Just In
for The House of Potter-Greengrass

7/16/2023 c56 Runecutter
That announcement of the last chapter came pretty surprising. Feels like there is still so much to do and not just squeeze into an epilogue.

But then, it has become a very different story from your average potter fare, so maybe it's time to leave it be and just imagine how the world will go on from here. It turned into so much more politics and duelling than i'd have expected and so much less "making the relationship work" than it at first seemed...
7/6/2023 c29 Sasha Starr
people who tear you up on here are like those who cut you off in their car then scream or give you the finger. They know that you can do nothing to them. Enough said. This is a good story. Sasha
7/5/2023 c56 fraewyn
Love it!
7/5/2023 c42 18IAmOutOfIdeas
I thought it was a one time mistake earlier, so I didn’t mention it, but it looks like you have Umbridge still working at the Ministry even though she was arrested and sentenced to 30 or so years in Azkaban 20ish chapters ago. I just thought you should know
7/5/2023 c28 ItzJoe
i was enjoying this, but its just boring now, nothing is truly happening, and from i can gather youve contradicted your own writing by merging the house of potter with the house of greengrass, earlier is the story lord greengrass said he was scared the pureblood families and traditions would be wiped out in a few short generations unless something is done to prevent it, which means they need more pureblood families not less, and by you merging the potter and greengrass families is the opposite of that, i guess i just dont like your writing style, its boring, and contradictory
7/3/2023 c56 BioHazard82
Another good chapter.
7/1/2023 c56 Fast Frank
I suppose some of the vagueness is necessary, if you don't have a contract lawyer to help write the chapter. I am a bit curious about which families might be elevated/restored to the Wizengamot.
7/1/2023 c56 1EbonPurlight
Sad to know the end is nigh. But as they say, all good things must come to an end. It's been a good ride, lol. Peace, prosperity, and good day.
7/1/2023 c56 odonnellzoo99
It's fun when Harry makes Croaker's head spin.
Good chapter.
7/1/2023 c56 2mwinter1
Coming to an end loving the story.
7/1/2023 c56 csheila
Seeing Harry negotiate with all sides is great. Each of your supporting cast is three-dimensional I will enjoy rereading this story one day. (How i mark my very favorites.)

Minor nitpick: at the blessing/toast, your wrote out Potter-Granger. More than once.

Finally,i want to see how they find these families
7/1/2023 c56 mike3308
I'm glad that Harry and the goblins reached a treaty accord, but maybe he should reach one with the Unspeakables as well.

The lessons with Merlin are going well. He just needs to continue them to reach his goals.
7/1/2023 c56 Terebellida
curtesy s/b courtesy

Excellent chapter

6/28/2023 c55 Runecutter
Bah, it's just a model!

small correction: "should we test his medal" it's mettle ... as in resilience or brawn, his ability to stand up for himself.

"and its clause bit into the ground" - claws

"they had cracked opened" just cracked open

Okay, that was a good step forward. And it sounds like Merlin will need a lot of time to train Harry. Also still some secrets to look for. Nice.
6/28/2023 c47 TLD110166
You keep spelling Britain wrong.
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