Just In
for Mary's Trip to the Future

12/26/2021 c8 Kathy
good ending,
12/26/2021 c8 23MewWinx96
Hi! I just wanted to say that I enjoyed this story and thank you for writing it! :)
12/22/2021 c7 Kathy
wow, Zach really would have changed history, great that they escaped and Cas is taking Mary back
12/18/2021 c6 Kathy
sad and sweet, makes sense that she would have to go back in this scenario, but what a suspenseful ending now, thanks for continuing this
12/18/2021 c5 Kathy
so nice, I like how this Mary wants to get to know her adult children and help!
9/17/2021 c5 6dramatv
It is good! Can you please write a sequel?:)
7/1/2021 c5 Leann Nickerson
Fantastic! Really enjoyed it! Thanks so much for your time and effort in writing this!
6/29/2021 c4 Kathy
so good, very interesting story, plot going well so far, more please
7/1/2021 c5 90Blondie 20000
Loved the reunion. I do wish the story was a bit longer but I know having it short was your plan. I did enjoy it. :)
7/1/2021 c4 Blondie 20000
Yes yes! They have finally reunited.
7/1/2021 c3 Blondie 20000
Bobby knows. I can't wait for the meeting.
7/1/2021 c2 Blondie 20000
Oh! Mary is going to see her boys! They are going to meet on a hunt yes!
6/29/2021 c4 Leann Nickerson
Just found this story! Really am enjoying it! Mary is with her kids! Wonder what Castiel will think! Can't wait for the next installment! Thanks so much for your time and effort in writing this!
6/28/2021 c2 2Lecia
Super interesting! I cannot wait to see where this goes!
6/27/2021 c2 Kathy
super interesting, if only Bobby knew who she really was, more please soon, looking forward to her finding Sam, what a clever twist AU, thanks
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