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for Rimuru And Iruma's Adventures In The Netherworld

10/16/2022 c78 RTOmega
Wait, does that mean Amari and Iruma are alone toge-
10/16/2022 c78 Hex2429
Poor Henri, can't catch a break XD
10/16/2022 c78 gayaemergui2612
I love this fic! Keep going!
10/16/2022 c78 Pikachumaster05
this entire story is very well written. everything that is happening very well could have happened if this was cannon.
10/15/2022 c78 17Watcher321
...Is it bad that when I read the words "Henri" and "headache" my heart leaped with joy? Lol, seriously though, putting the escapees through a vetting process is SUCH a Rimuru thing to do, and it's hilarious. XD And Iruma and Ameri have the worst luck with timing, don't they? It's VERY cute though! I like the little caveat you've put on Rimuru's clone ability that it hurts to gain all those experiences at once. It's a good reason to have her decide not to use it occasionally, and it's also a good reason to keep the adorable mini Rimurus around! Win-win! ;D
10/15/2022 c78 Nyter086
Although I think it was a fun chapter, for the most part it could have been much better.
10/13/2022 c77 Nyter086
Great chapter, the next one will surely be even better longer because there is a lot to cover in my opinion.
10/11/2022 c77 Watcher321
No, Iruma, you're not doing a good job of staying low key. In fact I think your reputation is about to balloon! XD Sullivan's gonna have a heart attack when he hears about this. Also, way to go Ameri! Taking that thing down like it's no sweat! And poor Rimuru will have to wait for another chance to show his stuff... that's probably for the best though XD
10/9/2022 c77 RTOmega
"Let me make this easier to understand Iruma boy. That girl "Rimuru" has a skill called Void God Azatoth, you might think thats meh, but the skills are named by the World, not the user. Thus, that means, she can command the power of a God as easy as openning and closing a door. She could shatter this planet in a second, devour this dimention in meer moments, break every soul in this Universe and it wouldnt even last an hour."
- Ali
10/9/2022 c77 RTOmega
"I once fought a flying fish that didnt go down for 10 hours."
- Rimuru
10/9/2022 c77 ohana32
Ali: "Iruma, whatever you do, never cross either of them! She's a walking apocalypse, death, and destruction incarnate; she could easily scour the Netherworld clean of life if not outright shatter this planet!"

Iruma, who already confronted Rimuru and Ciel *twice*: ehe~

10/9/2022 c77 gayaemergui2612
10/9/2022 c77 TeamT
Great chapter as always and hope life is treating you well.
10/9/2022 c77 IsaacF
Iruma: Wow that Void God Azathoth skill sounds really cools, what does it do again?

Rimuru: Oh nothing much, it mainly creates infinite energy along with a few other things.

Iruma: …
10/3/2022 c66 Nyter086
Please update, that's a lot of suspense!
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