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for Rimuru And Iruma's Adventures In The Netherworld

1/23/2022 c39 dforced227
your fanfic is one of the greatest I've read in a while and I would love to "buy you a coffee".
- Keilen10#7740 on discord
1/23/2022 c39 ImaginarySora
Would be funny if Rimuru got Iruma to stand for him during walpurgis
1/21/2022 c39 6Princess Asuna
I rather wonder if Dark Iruma will make an appearence. I could see Rimaru using him as a stand in for him (Rimaru) at up coming Demon Lord thingy that I wont even try and spell by memory lol
1/21/2022 c39 10OniTenshi500
I hope it's not just Rimuru and maybe Luminous who do the "fake Demon Lord switch" thing. It would be funny if the other Demon Lords did it too. See if the candidate can notice that all of the "Demon Lords" are fakes and the real ones are there in disguise.
1/21/2022 c39 17Watcher321
And now to wait another week T.T the spar with Hakuro was cool, but now I'm a little worried about what Gobta has planned. XD Does it involve the butterflies...?

Also, the walpurgis arc is looking like more and more fun! I can't wait for the actual moment... I wonder if Luminus will give Rimuru maid lessons XD
1/15/2022 c38 saltyoven
Does this mean he won't learn archery like in canon?
1/14/2022 c38 Omnipotente Vargas
I would say Iruma fuck*d up but considering how applied and durable he is he would eventually get Great with Hakurou's guidance.
1/14/2022 c38 Guest
Gotta respect your commitment. Thank you for posting new chapters of this amazing story every week!
1/14/2022 c38 Watcher321
Haha! Poor Gobta XD but worse, poor Iruma... he may regret this training before long. An ocean-dwelling majin? Fascinating... I'm looking forward to seeing Rimuru pummel him at the Walpurgis
1/14/2022 c38 6Princess Asuna
I do hope we get to see Iruma become proficiant in the sword! Also in regards to Gobata the following seems aprroprio... Dun Dun da dun, Dun da dun dun da dun da dun
1/14/2022 c38 Maxen9000
Looking forward to walpurgis!
1/9/2022 c37 Princess Asuna
Is Iruma tapped as a Potentual Demon Lord and not know it?
1/8/2022 c37 AcidESP
I hope there is a chapter of iruma with milim hahaha, it would be super fun, and the poor iruma almost crying with the hyperactive demon king hahaha ... now if he found Leon scary, valentine and guy are worse for what he was seen so much in anime like LN, sometimes I don't leave a comment but your story is great, but anyway, I say goodbye, good chap, bye!
1/8/2022 c37 DefunctAccount123
I have always loved reading this story, and am quite happy about the consistent updates. Good stuff!
1/7/2022 c37 17Watcher321
It's so fun to see Leon and Rimuru interact. Honestly, Rimuru's treatment of Leon threw me off a bit, but I love it XD it's just so *them.* Iruma's conversation with Chloe was cool, too. I love seeing Iruma slowly put the pieces together, and it seems like you're building up to something big. I'm so excited!
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