Just In
for Rimuru And Iruma's Adventures In The Netherworld

11/21/2021 c30 Maxen9000
”It can’t be that bad, can it?” Famous Last words before disaster
11/19/2021 c30 6Princess Asuna
Poor Iruma. I hope his stmach can recover! lol
11/19/2021 c29 Hex2429
Great first chapter in tempest! Love the Rimuru Shion dynamic, very heartwarming. A little surprised Iruma wasn't scared of Ultima, she got some scary eyes. I wonder if they'll visit the labyrinth at all? Also excited for whoever might show up next. I think the dynamic with Iruma and Milim might be funny but she does spend most of her time away from tempest so I guess there's more obvious picks.
11/19/2021 c30 10OniTenshi500
Iruma will probably like Shion's cooking. Her cooking is actually really good, but the preparation, appearance, and sometimes texture are unsettling. But considering the way the Netherworld's food looks, it won't be a problem at all for Iruma.
11/19/2021 c29 BushidoWookie
"It cant be that bad can it" the last words of a foolish man.
11/19/2021 c30 Misaka Phenex
Ok my mission on this story is half complete for my Ultima has appeared just hope I see her more
11/19/2021 c30 1Kirisuma
Oh poor little innocent Iruma... You have no idea just how helish her cooking is...

Then again... She has a cheat cooking skill that allows her to let it taste perfectly... And the looks are just the same as in the netherworld... So you might not see the problem...
11/17/2021 c29 LilliParty
Hello Mu1622! i really like your story please keep writing whenever! And i hope you won't ever stop XD, also you've done a great job on your writing as far as i could tell!.
11/14/2021 c29 4Violetviolet247
Rimuru: "I never had the chance to have a kid of my own in my past life, and that's no longer a possibility for me as a slime, so watching you grow and learn over the last few months has helped temporarily fill that hole in my life, in a way."

Shinsha: ._.
11/14/2021 c1 Naara Tempest
Got a little aggressive there... Nice chapter
11/14/2021 c29 RedFireRex
Do not discontinue the series because it's very good and this is my first review, so keep up the good work.
11/12/2021 c29 Hex2429
I really liked this chapter! Iruma showed a surprising level of maturity, and finally was able to think things through calmly without any help which was unexpected, but I also really liked. I think it makes sense that Rimuru's presence has led to him maturing a bit faster. You got the thought process and conversation with Rimuru spot on! Also super excited for the upcoming chapters. We finally get to see tempest, and future tempest at that! Lots of character possibilities, I can't wait to see how Iruma might interact with different tempest execs (can't wait for Shion). I've really enjoyed any time Rimuru's influence has caused subtle shifts in the characters/story so far, so I'm really looking forward to something completely new like this.
11/12/2021 c29 Misaka Phenex
11/12/2021 c29 ohana32
omg I was so excited for this moment! also, I want to say that I appreciate the work you had to go through to decide on the events of this chapter, so don't worry too much about its lenght. The fact that you keep a regular uploading schedule and present us with these different opinions and points of view (specially iruma's thoughts about his current situation and friends) already makes me (and I'm sure a lot of other people who are accompanying this story) really glad. Besides that, it was a great chapter, and I am looking forward to what will happen next (both in this work and your other one).
11/12/2021 c29 1Zak saturday 1
Update soon please
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