Just In
for Westeros' Seven Dwarf Kingdoms

7/28/2022 c1 Amv
Dude, this is literally nonsense.
1) Early Westeros is a lot of magic. MAESTER LUWIN: "Perhaps magic was once a mighty force in the world, but no longer. What little remains is no more than the wisp of smoke that lingers in the air after a great fire has burned out, and even that is fading. Valyria was the last ember, and Valyria is gone." Obviously, the powerful magic of young Westeros will be a very strong argument. This is what I don't like about Tertius711. His world 7000 years ago is no different from the time of Fat Bob. Damn, Martin has more magic.
2) do not confuse the first gnomes and the gnomes of the Third, Second or even the end of the First epoch. The dwarfs studied with the Noldor, it is explicitly stated. Even the dwarves of Beleriand had contact with the Sindar who were taught by the Valar. The original gnome culture is the Lesser Gnomes, primitive cave savages.
3) let me remind you that the horde of civilized gnomes was destroyed by wild forest elves under the command of a human one-armed old man.
4) dwarves are critically dependent on external food supplies. Perhaps they grow mushrooms in caves and hunt/pick berries/fish, but they cannot build a system on this. This means that any conflict with the enemy that can deprive the dwarves of provisions will end sadly for the dwarfs.
5) the expansion of the Andals was more cultural than military. Yes, in some places gangs of adventurers with iron weapons managed to defeat the natives. But hey, good bronze bad steel. A small group of adventurers from among the younger sons is obviously weaker than the natives. And magic is forbidden to the Andals. It's another matter if a Bronze Age society is going through a crisis or a Long Night has recently ended. The Andals are not Spanish a result, the classic fantasy Middle Ages looms. Gnomes are an independent or self-governing enclave that supplies people with metal and high-tech products. Although, given the fanaticism of the early Andals and the dwarves' dependence on imported food, the dwarfs will be able to stay only in the North and (possibly) small feral degraded groups in the Lunar Mountains. Although the Starks slaughtered the Children of the Forest in the North.

That is, we have a plus or minus canon (dwarven swords were added to the swords from Valyria), only in Mance's army there are several dwarfs, one of whom calls himself Thorin Oak Shield, the rightful King under the Mountain.
12/29/2021 c1 Robbler
Have you seen the size of Andalos? The Andals only won because of superior weapons (iron), tactics and being ONE! Kingdom, united in their holy crusade against Westeros.
They rather easily subjucated the Vale, the Crownlands and the Riverlands, because they had a lot of small size kingdoms inside those regions, instead of the later known massive ones. They were all unprepared to counterattack such a huge force.
If Westeros had come together to defend themselves, the Andals would have lost And quite badly at that.
A Westeros lead by dwarven Kings (which basically means: better steel, better technology, better living conditions overall, usw. ...) the Andals don't stand even the slightest chance.
They would be wiped out.
No reason to offer them peace, if their whole Intention of their war was to kill of as many First Man as possible, rape their women (for offspring of andal descent), and cut down "The eyes of their gods"(Weirwood trees).
You talk about dwarves, they can hold a grudge.
And they wouldn't ever forgive something like this, nor forget.
8/31/2021 c1 Sauron's Wrath
I like it, but here's the problem. Dwarves love mountains. The only terrains similar to those would the North, Lands of Always Winter, Westerlands, The Vale, and parts of the Stormlands and Dorne. For certain the Vale and Westerlands would turn into powerful kingdoms because of their access to resources, and the Rock has always been very similar to Erebor in structure. And while the Dwarves will certainly demand tribute, I don't think they would have humans as direct vassals. I always loved the relationship between Erebor and Dale, so maybe the Dwarves could have something similar with the human kingdoms. They definitely would get a lot of racial issues first but I think everything would work out fine.

On the subject of different races I do think Dwarves will will butt heads with the Children of the Forest sometimes, but never as bad as they did with the elves in canon. Durin I think will calm things down before it gets too bad. The Giants I think they would have a begrudging respect with, especially in the Far North. I imagine they never really talk about each other that much but when they do they're both like "Yeah, they're cool guys. They may seem different but they're strong in different ways to us."

Now the subject of Khazad-Dum is a big one. Because it was underneath a massive chunk of the Misty Mountains made it very valuable to the dwarves. Wherever it's placed will mark the most important place in the world to them. I personally think it may work well in the Vale, because that's probably the best region to put it in.
7/8/2021 c1 Hadrian.Caeser
It would be interesting.
7/6/2021 c1 Josh b
Great idea dude will the children of the forest and giants be around that’s one way to keep the humans or at least Andals our.
7/5/2021 c1 Moonlight
It looks interesting.
see the dwarf lords conquering westeros. I imagine that Valyria will not be very happy to be defeated by the dwarves and that makes it sweeter
7/5/2021 c1 7feriyen
dwarves should never be underestimated. the dwarves can have the level of technology that Warcraft (with its cannons, and firearms) and I can imagine them taking down dragons. the parties will be fun, not to mention that it will be a real blow to their lower parts, when they are defeated by the dwarves
7/5/2021 c1 Sansa

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