Just In
for Renascence

11/21/2021 c1 81SunRise19
Aww, I love this AU! I know this is such a difficult subject, but in a few words you have conveyed these are real people with real emotions and hopes. I hope to read more asap!
10/15/2021 c1 MaFerviolon
please continue
7/7/2021 c1 cario
Interesting start. I'm looking forward to where you take this.

You might want to fix the spelling of the title. I think you mean renaissance.
7/6/2021 c1 174HC247
I remember when you initially told me about this idea and how intrigued I was and then you go and post the first part!

What a start you've given this- a total gut punch as we read the news along with Raoul. I am super curious by some of the teasers you've placed here (she met Erik already?! What exactly is her relationship to Raoul?)

Completely sucked in already. Great, great start!
7/6/2021 c1 8FleshofMidnight
Interesting start. Looking forward to more.
7/6/2021 c1 12ghostwritten2
Oh my gosh, what an evenrful beginning! Poor Christine and her father. Looking forward to seeing where this goes.

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