Just In
for Harry Potter and the Phoenix Wand

9/21 c15 wotan2
Sorry, closed cream not clotted cream?
9/15 c1 Pointer3109
When Harry first burst into flames, I had a vision of his scar opening and the goo coming out, burning into smoke while a dying scream is heard. Scratch "horcux" number 1.

Not that I consider that a horcrux. At best its unprotected, more likely unfinished or both. It should be the easiest to remove not the hardest. The story has it that way for drama, much like it has the first magical girl he meets become his partner for romance.

Good story, though.
9/10 c24 6Primus2021
I kind of wish that Sirius had mentioned the private meetings that Harry and Hermione are having with Dumbledore...
9/10 c17 Primus2021
I would have fired him! Granted, considering the hand he played in Draco's attempt to murder Harry, I'm surprised the goblet didn't take Snape's magic too...
9/9 c26 holdingoff
The supposed limit of the Fidelius Charm is whatever you choose it to be since Rowling apparently hasn't a clue as to what she created. A third-party secret keeper for Harry's parents and for Grimmauld Place, yet Bill Weasley can be the secret keeper for his home (Shell Cottage) and Arthur Weasley can be secret keeper for the house he's living in at the same time (Aunt Muriel's.) Oh, and telling anyone who the secret keeper is seems to be no problem since Bill tells Harry, et al. that Arthur is the secret keeper and he's his own.

Of course, there's the fact that Ron blurts out the location of Bill's home to Dobby and all when they are breaking out of the Malfoy property though it is under the Fidelius Charm and none of those people needed to be told the secret. Convenient, eh?
9/7 c24 AerynS
I wonder why Sirius didn't just remove Bella from the family magic?
That would hamper her greatly.
8/31 c28 erstwhile-S
Enjoyed reading this. It was a novel way to send them back for another chance. The omake was funny, and also horrifying in a way. Imagine having to face the likes of Voldemort and Dumbledore again!
8/29 c28 12n2kas
In a certain way, I prefer this to the stitch in time. While the other story is good, Grandfather Charlus just does way too much hand holding, at times so much that you forget who the main characters are, whereas here, everything is done with the main pair in the centre of the viewfinder. Then again, side characters barely exist here, so the world around our pair is pretty barren.
8/26 c2 2n2kas
Poor Ron got completely outed from their friend circle just because he wussed out
8/26 c1 2n2kas
Kinda wish they would have dances around each other a bit more trying to figure out if the other knows or not. But alas.
8/11 c4 Guest
So far everything feels like a summary. This happened and that happened next. For example, you could've expanded on Harry and the Grangers interactions early on the fic but instead they didn't even talk to each other.

Despite that it's enjoyable.
7/24 c20 DragonWolf1313
fantastic story!
7/23 c28 Vanadir
Thank you for a great story. How did you know about Roath park, I go there often
7/20 c28 Piletorn
Thanks a bunch for writing and sharing
It was an entertaining fic, although I wouldn’t have minded the tempo being a bit slower :-)
7/19 c28 12christytrekkie
This was a brilliant story that is now amongst my favorite harmony time travel fanfics.
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