8/1/2021 c1 Guest
Please continue this story very good
Please continue this story very good
7/25/2021 c1 8FleshofMidnight
Really strong dialogue here and some wonderful descriptions. There are some clarity and tense issues, but I really enjoyed reading this and will be checking out more of your work. Thanks for sharing.
Really strong dialogue here and some wonderful descriptions. There are some clarity and tense issues, but I really enjoyed reading this and will be checking out more of your work. Thanks for sharing.
7/19/2021 c1 36SloaneDestler
Ooh, this was really good! I thought it flowed very well. I could really sense the longing between Erik and Christine, and the connection that they have. Great story!
Ooh, this was really good! I thought it flowed very well. I could really sense the longing between Erik and Christine, and the connection that they have. Great story!
7/18/2021 c1 8Qtkittee
Loved the angst! Love your take on a period piece. This would make a great song and scene in the musical. I have always wanted them to confront their fears and desires. Past the Point of No Return confuses me at times depending on the actors. When does she know it's him? I love how you set up her internal conflict for that song. She loves him but there are so many reasons not too, too many for her to realize she does care deeply for him. Thank you for this lovely one shot. I am sorry to hear you have been going through your own angst. Hugs to you.
Loved the angst! Love your take on a period piece. This would make a great song and scene in the musical. I have always wanted them to confront their fears and desires. Past the Point of No Return confuses me at times depending on the actors. When does she know it's him? I love how you set up her internal conflict for that song. She loves him but there are so many reasons not too, too many for her to realize she does care deeply for him. Thank you for this lovely one shot. I am sorry to hear you have been going through your own angst. Hugs to you.