Just In
for Northern Lands

1/29/2009 c3 1CrAzYmAnGa
so kawaii

also so humouros and romantic
8/12/2005 c3 1lilbrokenangel
I love the story so far, that's all I really can say. I hope that you make this a sess/kag fic and please update soon. CIAO!
6/18/2005 c3 Tearful Joy
Write the capters in french, then translate them back for us! then you'll be studying AND we'll get chappys!

*Lick a poets ear with me*

Tearful Joy
6/18/2005 c1 Tearful Joy
"...and everything else got wet. Kana growled at Kagome. Kagome looked at him and giggled. He looked like a wet dog."

Technicly, he IS a wet dog, ShAdAwAdRiA-san!

*Warm as a red

cocktail pipe*

Tearfull Joy
4/21/2005 c3 8A'Strae Abound
Indeed it does! Go POTC! I saw it in theatres... such bliss. *sigh* lol.

Anyway, since i knew before i started this story that it was most likely on hold, i won't bother with the continue soon crap i alway sprout off on. I would be happy if you did continue it though! It was a bit rushed, and had a bit of a cliche plot (but i suppose it wasn't as so when you started this than now) but i liked it.

-where the signature of the one who wishes you to continue writing would go if she felt like typing it. (i couldn't bring myself to use hyphens...)
2/2/2005 c3 1meetingreality
Loved your story! It was wonderful! Please write more soon. As for the French class, make some flash cards cause they help.
10/11/2004 c3 Ice-Kitsune
Awesome...I loved your story. Can't wait to see what happens. Hope you will update soon. Good luck and God bless.
9/4/2004 c3 270TwistedAngel0
Can u please update soon? I love the story! Arigato SiLvErFaTeD!
2/25/2004 c3 5Kayrin
Hey, it was a nice chapter, I'd be nice to know more about the kiddy. And don't worry, I'm failing my French class too.
Anyway, update soon.
2/2/2004 c3 1Black Fire Kitsune666
yay another kikyou hater! lol thanks for posting i'll see you wen u post the next chap. i'd offer to help you w/ french but i'm taking spanish & i'm failing that. *blush*
2/1/2004 c3 12Sweet Sakura Curls
Great chpter! Love your story. Is the story going to be Kag/Sess? Did she pick up another kid? How's Shippo going to react to that? Can't wait to see what happens, Update soon!
2/1/2004 c3 2x shadow
that was so awesome ^0^ it's a sess0kag right? n e ways keep updating
2/1/2004 c3
awesome story keep it up i can't wait to see what happens next, so please update soon
1/31/2004 c3 5Lady Kaela
i loved it. please update soon.
1/26/2004 c2 5Kayrin
ow, it was a mean cliffhanger! T-T Updatesoon will ya? PLEASE?
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