2/15 c92 Guest
Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials! I only play TTRPGs to hang out with friends, but I have pointed several of the more invested of said friends towards SCM, wishing you the best of luck. Though, having thoroughly enjoyed your storytelling I'm certain you need less of it than most. I am bummed to be facing a hiatus but so long as he draws breath future me will be ecstatic to read book 6.
Congratulations on your upcoming nuptials! I only play TTRPGs to hang out with friends, but I have pointed several of the more invested of said friends towards SCM, wishing you the best of luck. Though, having thoroughly enjoyed your storytelling I'm certain you need less of it than most. I am bummed to be facing a hiatus but so long as he draws breath future me will be ecstatic to read book 6.
2/14 c92 Gary
Every chapter a blessing
Every chapter a blessing
2/15 c92
1Nai Darkor
Thank you for this great story so far and I truly hope you will update soon again.

Thank you for this great story so far and I truly hope you will update soon again.
2/14 c92 the rain dancer
Congratulations on getting married. I have enjoyed your writing for some time now, and while I am sad to see you go on hiatus, I hope it recharges your creative battery and you still can come finish your work. Good luck in life, and I await patiently but eagerly for your return.
Congratulations on getting married. I have enjoyed your writing for some time now, and while I am sad to see you go on hiatus, I hope it recharges your creative battery and you still can come finish your work. Good luck in life, and I await patiently but eagerly for your return.
2/14 c92
Thanks for another great chapter! It sucks to need to wait for more, but I know it will be worth the wait!

Thanks for another great chapter! It sucks to need to wait for more, but I know it will be worth the wait!
2/14 c92
3Stella Imber
Happy we got to this point and honestly excited for what you have planned for Thor the Dark World and even more so for Age of Ultron. However I have to say this entire clinical detached relationship thing you have going on with the group feels like its stretching uncomfortably far which was already uncomfortable to read since no friend groups do what you have them doing for many reasons. That and the Fleur drama is also getting to be a bit much especially since as a reader it feels a bit detached from the rest of the story and thrown in like an after though every chapter so we have an update.
All in all though I enjoyed this chapter especially with thr mordo surprise and the handling of Guardians 1 since tbh shy of a 20 chapter long event theres not much they can do as kids still and not having a space ship. Though i do wonder when the stakes will get high again like they did in year four and give us some suspense and tension.

Happy we got to this point and honestly excited for what you have planned for Thor the Dark World and even more so for Age of Ultron. However I have to say this entire clinical detached relationship thing you have going on with the group feels like its stretching uncomfortably far which was already uncomfortable to read since no friend groups do what you have them doing for many reasons. That and the Fleur drama is also getting to be a bit much especially since as a reader it feels a bit detached from the rest of the story and thrown in like an after though every chapter so we have an update.
All in all though I enjoyed this chapter especially with thr mordo surprise and the handling of Guardians 1 since tbh shy of a 20 chapter long event theres not much they can do as kids still and not having a space ship. Though i do wonder when the stakes will get high again like they did in year four and give us some suspense and tension.
2/14 c92 AnimeFan13579
Well this definitely has some things of interest like Neville and Luna likely getting their hands on what will become 'Baby Groot'. It also makes it a little interesting with the further interactions that could come up with Quill. The prophecy is overall interesting however with what happened involving the Power Stone it brings another thought to mind. There's likely something fundamentally different about Harry's biology that allows him to make contact with the stones. After all for a potential scenario where he has to wield them it's stated as only exceptionally powerful individuals could wield them and survive. Individually it's more dependant on which stone when it comes to that.
Overall beyond just the stones it would be interesting to see what comes from the events that occurred after that point. Mainly in regards to incidents involving other ancient beings of vast power.
Well this definitely has some things of interest like Neville and Luna likely getting their hands on what will become 'Baby Groot'. It also makes it a little interesting with the further interactions that could come up with Quill. The prophecy is overall interesting however with what happened involving the Power Stone it brings another thought to mind. There's likely something fundamentally different about Harry's biology that allows him to make contact with the stones. After all for a potential scenario where he has to wield them it's stated as only exceptionally powerful individuals could wield them and survive. Individually it's more dependant on which stone when it comes to that.
Overall beyond just the stones it would be interesting to see what comes from the events that occurred after that point. Mainly in regards to incidents involving other ancient beings of vast power.
2/14 c92
hmm, thinking about it, if a person was to have a specific affinity for any stone, and have that affinity lend itself to them being able to touch all teh stones without basically exploding from it, the soul stone seems to be the ideal candidate, becuase it basically represents the person, separate from physical existence, so no matter how damaged the outer shell becomes, the soul tone would help them maintain themselves.
it sounds to me like harry's 6th year is basically going to be 'the convergence' and time for the aether to show up, and thats definitely going to be an interesting set of events. possibly Hel showing up in the same year, but that might also be year 7. Hel, and the fact that Thanos is the 'courting death' version not the movie 'resource distribution' version, makes me wonder how exactly the deathly hollows and the 'master of death' thing will roll out. actually i think i may need to do a reread, because i definitely remember some interesting tidbits about the cloak before but i don't remember specifics...
overall i'm looking forwards to it, and i'm also looking forwards to whats going to happen with fleur. this part is basically just my current understanding and speculation, so i could be very wrong, but i think that the current status is that fleur is a princess (though i'm not entirely sure if she's A light elf princess, or THE light elf princess, basically if her father is one of several light elf kingdoms, or the ruler of all light elves) and her father is definitely aware of her interest in harry and harry's interest in her. he's initially dismissive of harry for being a basic vanaheimian wizard which isnt' all that powerful or special, but has since come to realize that he's much more beyond that, with powers beyond average and some substantial connections to powerful figures like the asgardian royal family, that have elevated him from 'a dirty commoner' to 'a person of interest'. he has assisted their family directly outside of his interactions with fleur, and as such he's now at a status of 'lets watch and see if he will rise to meet his potential or fail and fall to irrelevance'. meanwhile Fleur is officially engaged to a fairly stuck up noble light elf, but the impression i have is that said engagement is not going to be moving forwards with any particular speed, both due to Fleur not being super happy with it (though she's not rebellious about it, at least not yet) and because her fathers not convinced that it will be the best marriage for her. so overall, there's a chance that as harry continues to earn fame, prove his power, and build his connections, that he may overtake Fleurs official suitor and take his place, but also the possibility that other factors (lik the returning dark elves) might push Fleurs father to establish a 'safe' marriage for her much faster, and thus push Fleur to the point of rebellion. i could see her decided that rather than accepting the marriage she would run away from a few months and live with harry and friends, especially if it's something like the 7th year camping journey where harry and friends are going on some major journey against The Enemy and need all the help they can get (i can honestly see that maybe happening if asgard falls as it does in cannon, and harry might be helping the exiled survivors). also, the opposite possibility, that harry is able to help asgard NOT fall, and if he was a significant contributor tot hat, that would definitely be enough to prove his worth. lots of different ways it could go, all of which i'm excited to see.
sorry if i rambled overlong, i just like speculation and you asked for it :P
small side note just possible idea that i don't think ever got explored in marvel cannon (at least not the MCU): lots of mythological asgardian feats are the results of their technomagic, and one that i remember was that idunn's apples are supposed to give eternal youth, if not long life, even to mortals. the big complain against thor and jane having an actual romance, from the asgard side, was always that she was a short lived human. i would not be opposed to it going a different way, i really liked the jane/thor romance.
also, i love imagining the scene where harry just casually walks up the the ancient one and asks if he could touch the time stone please. (also, shouldn't she be about to have her 'fated end' and have dr strange show up as a character around now? the MCU timeline is hard enough to keep track of even before we consider how you've adjusted it to fit around the HP story, and i wonder if harry and co will have anything to do with that or if they'll just show up after the fact)

hmm, thinking about it, if a person was to have a specific affinity for any stone, and have that affinity lend itself to them being able to touch all teh stones without basically exploding from it, the soul stone seems to be the ideal candidate, becuase it basically represents the person, separate from physical existence, so no matter how damaged the outer shell becomes, the soul tone would help them maintain themselves.
it sounds to me like harry's 6th year is basically going to be 'the convergence' and time for the aether to show up, and thats definitely going to be an interesting set of events. possibly Hel showing up in the same year, but that might also be year 7. Hel, and the fact that Thanos is the 'courting death' version not the movie 'resource distribution' version, makes me wonder how exactly the deathly hollows and the 'master of death' thing will roll out. actually i think i may need to do a reread, because i definitely remember some interesting tidbits about the cloak before but i don't remember specifics...
overall i'm looking forwards to it, and i'm also looking forwards to whats going to happen with fleur. this part is basically just my current understanding and speculation, so i could be very wrong, but i think that the current status is that fleur is a princess (though i'm not entirely sure if she's A light elf princess, or THE light elf princess, basically if her father is one of several light elf kingdoms, or the ruler of all light elves) and her father is definitely aware of her interest in harry and harry's interest in her. he's initially dismissive of harry for being a basic vanaheimian wizard which isnt' all that powerful or special, but has since come to realize that he's much more beyond that, with powers beyond average and some substantial connections to powerful figures like the asgardian royal family, that have elevated him from 'a dirty commoner' to 'a person of interest'. he has assisted their family directly outside of his interactions with fleur, and as such he's now at a status of 'lets watch and see if he will rise to meet his potential or fail and fall to irrelevance'. meanwhile Fleur is officially engaged to a fairly stuck up noble light elf, but the impression i have is that said engagement is not going to be moving forwards with any particular speed, both due to Fleur not being super happy with it (though she's not rebellious about it, at least not yet) and because her fathers not convinced that it will be the best marriage for her. so overall, there's a chance that as harry continues to earn fame, prove his power, and build his connections, that he may overtake Fleurs official suitor and take his place, but also the possibility that other factors (lik the returning dark elves) might push Fleurs father to establish a 'safe' marriage for her much faster, and thus push Fleur to the point of rebellion. i could see her decided that rather than accepting the marriage she would run away from a few months and live with harry and friends, especially if it's something like the 7th year camping journey where harry and friends are going on some major journey against The Enemy and need all the help they can get (i can honestly see that maybe happening if asgard falls as it does in cannon, and harry might be helping the exiled survivors). also, the opposite possibility, that harry is able to help asgard NOT fall, and if he was a significant contributor tot hat, that would definitely be enough to prove his worth. lots of different ways it could go, all of which i'm excited to see.
sorry if i rambled overlong, i just like speculation and you asked for it :P
small side note just possible idea that i don't think ever got explored in marvel cannon (at least not the MCU): lots of mythological asgardian feats are the results of their technomagic, and one that i remember was that idunn's apples are supposed to give eternal youth, if not long life, even to mortals. the big complain against thor and jane having an actual romance, from the asgard side, was always that she was a short lived human. i would not be opposed to it going a different way, i really liked the jane/thor romance.
also, i love imagining the scene where harry just casually walks up the the ancient one and asks if he could touch the time stone please. (also, shouldn't she be about to have her 'fated end' and have dr strange show up as a character around now? the MCU timeline is hard enough to keep track of even before we consider how you've adjusted it to fit around the HP story, and i wonder if harry and co will have anything to do with that or if they'll just show up after the fact)
2/14 c90
19magical fan18
I find it funny that we find out who Dean’s father is in this story.
I can bet that this will be interesting and dramatic.

I find it funny that we find out who Dean’s father is in this story.
I can bet that this will be interesting and dramatic.
2/14 c92 Spiraling Fan 3128
Hope to see you continue this story it's finally getting its legs under it and getting to the real good stuff.
Hope to see you continue this story it's finally getting its legs under it and getting to the real good stuff.
2/14 c92
Well...I wonder what the reason for Grace and Mordo not staying together will be?

Well...I wonder what the reason for Grace and Mordo not staying together will be?