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for Cirque Du Mort: The 135th Hunger Games

6/26/2022 c3 9Platrium
You know what's really ironic? It's when I said I'm on the road to my retirement, but someone asked me to collab with them and I ended up doing so to fill up that missing hole in my tribute stats. XD

So yes, I ended up eating my words and submitting to this story. I'm excited to see what's to come! Nice to meet our 2 victors from the previous chapter, and also the 2 self-insert gamemakers in this chapter, haha! XD

Now I'm finally caught up! Took only... months! Some are taking years so... yeah... XD
2/1/2022 c3 35SilverflowerXRavenpaw
Omg omg omg they're about to go for the kill huh

Oooooooooooo I'm pumped for another chapter! And to see my babies
2/1/2022 c3 3Very New To This
Great chapter! I have a feeling Noxis will get what's coming to her. ;)
1/14/2022 c2 35SilverflowerXRavenpaw
Ooooooh delightful! I love getting glimpses into the Victors' lives. It really sucks what happens to Lizzie, but I'm glad she's healing well and learning her worth. It's great to have a story that acknowledges the time it takes and the anger it can reasonably cause. Looking forward to the next chapter :D
1/14/2022 c1 SilverflowerXRavenpaw
Ooh, this looks really fun! I love the idea of an Unknown president. They are what they are. I'm really excited to see where this goes :D
9/26/2021 c2 3Very New To This
Hi Sakura! I now have enough time to read this and submit a tribute! Really like your writing by the way! :)
9/21/2021 c2 3FloatingFerrets
I know I say this to pretty much all the stories I review, but I seriously love your writing style - probably 'cos I think mine's crap, but anyway...

Where were we? Oh, I'm definitely submitting a tribute. Vida's taking her SYOT down before it even really started, so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to submit to another one using those characters that I handcrafted. Sorry they ain't purely made for this, but I'm DYING to see one of my tributes in one of these!

And have a great day, week, month and year wherever you are :)
9/5/2021 c2 12ROCuevas
Interesting this was.
8/1/2021 c1 4stillbejeweled
yayaya i am so excited for the rest of this story!
8/1/2021 c1 9Platrium
Hi! So I have been requested to review this piece with a careful eye. OwO I unfortunately don't have the capacity to submit anymore as I'm on my road to retirement, but I can still give feedback when I'm not busy, so here goes!

The first part gives us some sort of world building. I don't think it's coming from a specific POV, so I don't see the need to have a header marking ? P.O.V., but nobody's stopping you from doing so if you wanna do it for consistency or simply because you like it. OwO I think it would be better if you have the whole thing in italics in center align. I can imagine it would make your opening to the story look more epic. OwO

We then meet head gamemaker Noxus. There was a time the president and head gamemaker talk was a cliché for a prologue, and honestly, I don't see that, and I usually enjoy these types of prologues. Some people use this to show us of their arena. Some people use this to show us the dynamic between president and head gamemaker, like it is in this case. We see the head gamemaker being fearful of the president, and we see that she's aiming for perfection. That way, she doesn't follow the footsteps of her party-animal colleagues. It would be nice to see more of her character or her dynamic with the president in the future, but it's not necessary. OwO

Wonder what you're gonna show in future prologues. Prologues tend to be important if you're a new SYOT writer, as it tells readers and potential submitters of your writing style, so that they submit to you! OwO If you can show us more of certain characters you wanna introduce or certain events in your world building or a subplot or anything that can grasp our interest, I'm sure you can fill up all the spots in no time! OwO

P.S. This review was not proofread. XD
7/31/2021 c1 1Aemma Arryn
7/31/2021 c1 29Gomex
Omg yes it's finale here! Me and Sakura are so excited to have this journey with yall! I hope we get great kiddos from yall!

- Gomex

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