Just In
for The Guild of Gamers: The Vampire

11h c13 StormySpartan
Hope she ends up getting her hands on the ebony blade, since she's already so connected to mephala
16h c13 cameron1812
And the delicious fake betrayal is complete and Raven's status as a "Hero" assured. Love it!
2/9 c13 29Kairan1979
Looks like the plan went off perfectly. I wonder how Raven is going to deal with Lucan.
2/9 c12 mail4benni
I really like the dark but lighthearted story
2/9 c13 jaibradley21
2/9 c12 jaibradley21
2/9 c13 OniKaze22
love this fic one of my favorite skyrim fanfiction
would love to join ur patreon 1 day but until i can ill just read when u release for everyone
2/9 c13 Kalstorm99
Awesome chapter! Raven is such a dastardly evil main character, and I love her for it, thanks for writing such a great story, Shori.
2/9 c12 Travis99
I like it, its growing on me
1/6 c12 Filip
awesome job man keep it up
11/28/2024 c12 isawdisboat
Is she prego with a mimic kid(do they even have kids) she kinda lost to the mimic but im not sure if it counts
11/25/2024 c12 evilstatistic19
Good chapter. I'm looking forward to the next one.
11/25/2024 c1 Venom EU
I really wanna read this story as im craving a Skyrim story from you, i just genuinely cant read stories with female MC’s, its why i havent read any of your other stories that have female leads, please please please please write a skyrim story with a male main or even a game of thrones one, preferably without the insane amounts of rape that go on in it
11/24/2024 c7 1Dezzal
This one is kinda just dragging on pointlessly. She is spending way to much time in riverwood.
11/24/2024 c7 ArachnidHiveMind
“The sequel to a fic i haven’t written yetand ill add only sorta cuz it doesnt have Noirs as MC). Anyway, if there is any statement that more accurately sums up the Guildverse timeline, I’ve never heard it.
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