Just In
for A Tale of Wings and Fangs

9/20/2024 c27 Guest
Love your story. Hope you will get a great idea to finish this story.
9/10/2024 c22 Omnomphone
Something that confuses me greatly here. Two things actually.
1: Harry KNOWS McLaggen was the fourth student that jumped him when he lost his wand, but now he conveniently doesn’t? Hmm, alright, possibly forgot their name bc McLaggen is canonically both a douche and extremely forgettable.
2: Harry literally spent time going over Blood Feuds with Neville prior to the first task. That is a VERY big thing to just conveniently forget, and he seems to know enough about them to threaten Fudge with one, so why does he conveniently forget them to the point Gabrielle is now explaining them to him?

Honestly, I like the story, but #2 alone tellers me that everything after Ch.22 needs to be rewritten, or heavily edited, because forgetting something that big, which itself could actually be a major plot device, seems short-sighted.
9/4/2024 c13 mrmayortheiv
Man, until now I was enjoying this story, but how many terrible fanfiction cliches and tropes can you fit in one chapter? It's just too much.
8/23/2024 c4 Hi
8/12/2024 c27 WoodenDraconis
Please update, this is actually a really good story and I enjoy reading it.
8/7/2024 c27 Chelsea2valve
Please bring this back
7/30/2024 c27 Guest
I hope you're able to break through your blocks and continue with this amazing story, luck be with you,
7/27/2024 c27 Fox Sage 1
Please update the next chapter
7/26/2024 c1 Fox Sage 1
I agree with you on the Animagus thing. There really isn't a lot of stories where Harry is an Animagus (and I think I have found almost if not all of them).
And the reason I agree with you is because Animagus is my favorite piece of magic from the Harry Potter world.
7/24/2024 c8 4Jtf0012
angelina's last name is johnson not jones
7/21/2024 c8 Clarinets
I love your work Sir
6/19/2024 c25 Soul Sendant
harry is a douche and the suit is lame ugh such bad taste
6/19/2024 c12 Soul Sendant
the wand breaking after getting jumped would by itself be blood feud worth easily.
6/19/2024 c10 Soul Sendant
fuck the trash ministry and there registration requirements for animagus dont be a sheep for fucks sake
6/19/2024 c5 Soul Sendant
500 galleons is nothing, and his trust vault had thousands if not hundreds of thousands of galleons
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