Just In
for Demon in Fodlan

8h c133 spartan-140
I LOVE and miss these goofy Omakes
17h c133 Lily
Wouldn't it be risky if Lemegeton is forcing his king to regain power by pushing him into a corner in case Goetia doesn't agree with his plans?
21h c133 Reader
The make was a good laugh compare to the Strom that is about to happen in the main chapter.
20h c133 Terracotta Tortilla
He wants his King to restore himself to his full power and is using this as a reason for Goetia to do so, isn't he? Goetia has declined returning to a fuller strength and getting both of his arms back multiple times in this story, so his subordinate is forcing him to evolve. Exposing a weakness, so that he has no choice but to restore himself to a stronger state... That's devious, and almost makes it seem like he still cares for his King. I wonder what he wants Goetia to be at full strength for.

Good chapter.
20h c133 20Rialga
Man, what a chapter! Had a feeling that things would go badly with the village and it most certainly did. Goetia walked into one hell of a trap here and if he doesn't figure something out quick then soon it'll be too late to outright prevent the damage of the afflicted people from spreading. But given this is all part of some greater scheme of Lemegeton... yeah, chances are this won't go well at all.

Just hope he can at least mitigate some of the damage...

Looking forward to the next chapter!
22h c133 6Blast Ketchup
That omake was HILARIOUS!

Poor Byleth, I hope she gets her chance to fondle those ears.
12/3 c133 Guest
I do like how we have seen Goetia invincible in a fight thus far, but Maurice has been giving Goetia a challenge since Sitri. And that is not mentioning trying to keep a vampire epidemic from happening.
12/3 c133 4Antex-The Legendary Zoroark
Dang! What an excellent chapter! Can’t wait for your next chapter! Remire is once more at the epicenter of change in Fódlan! Not to mention the brutal battle between Goetia and Maurice!
12/3 c133 Stardust
Now we need to wait how this fight will go like.

Also, great omake!
12/3 c133 Ignis Nihilo
Nice. Still building the plot in the main chapter. And great omake, more Goetia moments with his wife (Rhea) are always welcome .
12/3 c133 njgronlund
Uuuuhhhh... The village is fine. Nothing bad will happen. Everything's chill, no vampire swarm here. XD
12/3 c133 1MasterDarkElf
Damn, Byleth truly is pissed, haha. She's going to be getting her man's fox ears, no matter what. At this point, with how the reactions are, seems both Byleth and Rhea may be going for Goetia, haha. Guess his daughters will have two mothers.
12/1 c7 14BiazarKaiser
that ending is honestly hilarious as its true as all hell... they just wanted to keep someone from dying but everyone else just kept screaming no
11/23 c132 4Antex-The Legendary Zoroark
Poor Marianne! I just can’t get enough of her sweetness! I really do hope Goetia’s form of “aid” will help her to break out of her shell…
11/23 c132 Guest
Cat Power.
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