Just In
for Demon in Fodlan

10/4/2024 c127 Rodenmar
There is something rather hilarious about a former Beast to care so much about the well-being of two emotionally abused young girls.
It made him all the more human that he can't stand the thought of it.

Certainly a great chapter.
10/3/2024 c127 Terracotta Tortilla
The Beast of Pity, still feels pity even while human.

Good chapter.
10/3/2024 c127 4Antex-The Legendary Zoroark
Good work! Loved this and especially like how Goetia is ironically going to utilize Flauros the Finch to help an emotionally shattered girl yet again, only in a more benevolent manner! I do hope that he’ll be able to help her though. I always found her sweet and kind and the way she ends up disappearing and not reappearing within the five year timeskip in some Routes always made me feel…saddened and upset; I could easily guess what could’ve likely happened if one’s bond with her (and her being/not being a part of your/the Professor’s class) was not strong enough.

Keep this up!
10/3/2024 c127 A Whimsical Seishin
Hah! I had the same reaction as Goetia to Bylethe's advise.
10/3/2024 c127 2WitnessofFate
Damn, Goetia can’t admit he’s feeling pity for the girl as well, it’s who you are dude. You can’t deny that fact, though he’d probably twist it some way into thinking he’s pititying himself and that’s unacceptable so he must settle on calling it ugly instead
10/3/2024 c127 1MasterDarkElf
Goetia is unknowingly allowing himself to care for people and doesn't even realize it fully, haha.
Goetia: Your emotions vex me and I won't stand for it.
Also Goetia, adopting Lysithea, Marianne, and Bernadette: I will try and solve your issues and give you emotional support pillars.
10/3/2024 c127 8Taken Kings
With how this chapter ended, I'm left stumped on how Goetia thought about Olga
9/30/2024 c126 codywhite162
Loved the chapter! Looking forward to what happens next
9/24/2024 c126 Guest
Can't tell if Jeritza become a fan of Goetia or admirer
9/24/2024 c126 Stardust
Kinda funny that Goetia gets offended that people don't want him to help solve other problems that he can easily handled after being annoyed at being the one cleaning up after people.
9/24/2024 c59 Zepolmoon
Amazing chapter, one filled with a shit Tom of fighting. Love how there were one-on-ones with Sitri (Seteth, Rhea, Goetia and Sothis), but also how everyone just decided to jump him in true JJK style. Goetia interrupting Sitri from using his NP(?) was great, he did not let his enemy power up. Knew Rhea was strong, did not expect her to be about that life of just throwing hands. We saw a bit of it last chapter, but her she just starts to go all out in running the fade, even damaging her own gown to do so. Good to see Sothis was able to contribute into the fight. wonder if Byleth was giving pointers as the fight went on, she might have felt left out from the fight since she was not the one physically fighting. The spell combos were such a great touch, especially since they are Mages. They may be throwing hands, but they still have spells they can throw around and I’m glad they did throw them as the pummeled each other to the ground/walls. Bet the students were not expecting to see Rhea fighting like a thug with magic. Poor Seteth was taken out of the fight too early and was not able to join in on the jumping at the end.
9/23/2024 c126 Lily
I have never seen someone how this passionate murder feeling since Shiki's killing impulses and Kirei's obsession with Kiritsugu.
9/23/2024 c126 Guest
A few important name drops of agarthan moles that Goetia doesn't care about and Jeritza getting a weird fascination with Goetia. Will he join the harem?
9/23/2024 c126 Dhestrya
9/23/2024 c126 4Antex-The Legendary Zoroark
Nice job on this! Loved how you had everything flow out so well and I enjoyed both Goetia’s and Jeritza’s evaluation on the other. Keep it up!
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