Just In
for A Wicked Game

10/12/2021 c1 The-Anti-Akuma
There are quite a few errors in grammar, but it's honestly not that bad. I don't quite get why the MC is assuming that he can't obtain skills without skill points... like I see the skill points section, but it doesn't explain what it does so it doesn't make much sense to assume what it does or assume it's restricting him without at least testing it out. If it's true, then honestly it sounds like the MC has information he shouldn't have yet lol.

Honestly it would make sense if he could train to unlock skills and upgrade them with training, but skill points boost them higher, or are needed to raise the cap of a skill from like 10/20/30 ect.
10/4/2021 c4 Muffin Man
Very cool job! Stories this well written are indeed hard to find anywhere on the internet. I feel as though I should tell you that almost all numbers end in 'th', aside from 3 which ends with 'rd', and 1 which ends in 'st'. So in English we would say the 17th because the date ends with a seven.
10/4/2021 c4 CinderBestGirl
I look forward to seeing what you do with Cinder, though I'm curious how you'll handle the pairing. You've kinda hinted at it, but it's up in the air. I'm okay with either, they're fun and entertaining when done right.

How old is Gemini though, compared to the others? I wasn't really able to gauge their ages quite yet.

You're doing pretty goos with english, learning a second language isn't easy, and neither could writing a whole fanfic in one be. I've noticed the word "which" being misspelled with "wich". There's a pretty easy fix for this actually: use controlf in the document you're in, and type in the word. Find Word is an excellent tool for editing and I'm pretty sure there's a replace button too, depending on the program you're using.

Loved the chapter, looking forward to the rest!
10/4/2021 c4 2selfishgecko
With Geminis name if he was going to beacon or getting a team Gemini could be for twins and alexandrite is a color so there would be 4 people.
10/3/2021 c4 11Caleb Saigo
Vacuo sería el mejor reino si no fuera por toda la arena. No me gusta la arena, es áspera, áspera e irritante y se mete por todas partes.
Entendí esa referencia
10/3/2021 c4 Reader 451
While it's not currently in use anymore and more of a collector's item, the half-cent is the smallest denomination of USD. Though being a collector's item it ranges from $60 in decent condition from 1850's to $35,000 for one that never reached distribution from 1790's. :)
Also yes, any proper Evil Empire must be trademarked, not doing so would be a grave miscalculation to the success of any Villain's plan. The best way to slip under the radar is to ensure nobody is allowed to speak it's name.
9/23/2021 c3 Guest
This is one very good gem of a story. Finally! Good stories are really hard to find!
9/22/2021 c3 CinderBestGirl
Is he gonna go to Beacon? I figured he'd be a criminal and deal with things on the underbelly of society. Also, it's 3rd, not 3th.

Great chapter though! How many soul shards has he found so far?
9/23/2021 c3 Resurrection99
9/5/2021 c2 2selfishgecko
A pretty good start though I’m not so sure about you adding in 3 more gamers or other big ocs.
8/26/2021 c1 xWhiteMagex
Grate start , Looking forward to the next chapter.
8/22/2021 c1 Guest
8/22/2021 c1 Darkestshot
You monster such a long time before another chapter! It was so good!
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