Just In
for Snapshots of My Brother

8/30/2021 c1 355LadyWallace
This was really sweet. I love thinking little Dean is just like his uncle. And Daddy Sam is just...*happy sigh*

I was really happy to see you posted something! I've missed you :) I hope you're doing well.
8/30/2021 c1 4Secretwriting67
This was a cute short story. Enjoyed the one-shot :) I like how Dean Jr. bears familiarity to his namesake-very heartwarming.
8/29/2021 c1 scootersmom
Awwwww. This was wonderful! You know
Sam missed Dean so much, and would have
wanted to share his son so much!
8/29/2021 c1 ISEL
Me has hecho llorar. Esto es tan hermoso. Saber que al menos el dolor y el corazón de Sam estaban mejor cuando podía sentir a su hermano en su hijo. Se que Sam sufrió mucho todos esos años sin su hermano y a pesar de los meses transcurridos duele pensar en ese tiempo que Sam solo tuvo que sobrevivir

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