Just In
for Looking Forward To My Future

6/5 c5 DaiAnne
Eu adoro essa história, por favor me diz que você vai continuar a posta-lá?
1/25 c4 5MischievousMoony
I’ve read this story a couple of times and i still enjoy it
10/17/2023 c5 33Assassin of the Shadows
Love, love, love!
I always enjoy reading and re-reading your stories. Every time I’m having a bad day (a little concerned how often this case has been) I head over and see if you’ve posted something new and if not- go to one of my favourites!
7/23/2023 c1 ktbunyptch
please update soon
4/5/2023 c5 Tiana Mixi
please update soon author
4/2/2023 c2 Opal
Great story; one thing though. Judi ton Finch-Feltchley is muggle born he wouldn’t have family in the Wizengamot. Ernie McMillan and Hannah Abbott are both pure blood
2/18/2023 c5 tinkermist99
Please update
1/23/2023 c5 ktbunyptch
please continue this story! It's amazing
1/17/2023 c5 NaRuKo-InuTaiSHo-XD
Love it. Please update soon.
12/2/2022 c5 Entertainment lover
Wonderful chapter. The conversation between Harry and Nathaniel was interesting. It is nice that Harry told her about Dante courting him. The conversation between Dante and Harry was fantastic. Their date was amazing. The conversation between Marcus and Harry was nice.
12/1/2022 c1 rohitadas20
Fantastic chapter. I liked how Hermione and Ron protected Harry from dumbledore. The conversation between draco,Harry ,Hermione,Ginny ,Neville ,ron and luna was awesome.
10/6/2022 c5 Guest
Update soon its getting good
9/17/2022 c5 1evfangirl98
Love it
6/22/2022 c5 6lilly-flower15
Great chapter update soon
6/22/2022 c4 lilly-flower15
Great chapter update soon
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