Just In
for A MHA-SI Clusterfuck as Minoru Mineta

4/25/2024 c1 PTCINC
course his mother is a good for nothing whore
10/11/2023 c3 5Don Cheeto
Just discovered this fic and I think this is the best MHA SI fic I’ve read so far. The character has his flaws and acknowledged that the person he became has flaws. He doesn’t try to do anything to radical to mold their character into something they’re not which most of these type of fics do.

Ideally, make this Mineta just like Jiraiya from Naruto which is what Hori should’ve done from the start. A perv, but one that understands boundaries and gets serious when needed. As he grows, keep some of the same elements of the OG Mineta. Maybe taking a peek at other girls when he knows he won’t be caught, read adult-rated books and comics, have figurines of female heroes, etc.

But when serious, and excellent strategist who thrived as a group leader and when he needs to throw hands, be like Jiraiya when he fought Pain. Don’t make him perfect either. Let him prone to being distracted by the looks of women and that he can be too self-sacrificial in battles.

Also throw some more curveballs since you’re open to genderbending characters. Make Izuku a girl. Also since Hori seems to imply it, let Mineta, Izuku, and Tsu form their own trio with their own special moves that can only work between them.
10/1/2023 c3 Guest
Damb it I curious what did his Mom do to those Guys who beat up Mineta.
9/4/2023 c3 dtonebu
To be honest, I see that this story can only be interesting as porn. Gender changes adding female characters for no reason and so on. Just make porn out of it and don't try to pass this story off as something it isn't.
8/28/2023 c3 Cheshirek3t
Welcome back to this clusterfuck!
8/24/2023 c3 UselessKhan69
Thought this story was discontinued, glad it’s back
8/24/2023 c3 A
And this kids is why your reputation is important least your children be known as the whore's child who's parent is unknown

Its funny because in most fics or stories promisicusness has no drawbacks other than oh your a pervert its nice/funny to see it bite someone in the ass for oncr
8/23/2023 c3 please don't1
FUCK EM UP! Wonderful to see this story back and holy shit its a banging chapter! fantastic work as always my man! cant wait to see whats next!
8/23/2023 c3 Pablo The Blue Penguin
Its alive!
8/23/2023 c3 loserkiduwu
8/23/2023 c3 Guest
I'm glad that you are finally continuing this fanfic after two years of hiatus. Go Mommy Raikou! Make those hypocritical, worthless bullies regret ever being born. She may be slut, but she's a better parent for raising her own child well.
8/23/2023 c3 orchim123123
are you continuing this ?
8/23/2023 c3 Gageel Redfox1
Rip Minoru Mineta
Cause of death: his stupidity
8/23/2023 c3 2MrMateusz
Uh oh?!
3/1/2023 c3 Guest
Dang it!
I was curious on what's gonna happen
But oh well.
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