Just In
for When the Roses Bloom Again

1/15 c45 Itachi
In my opinion, If harry doesnt want the to be the head of hit wizared he should shut up and follow the new leaders orders rather than being a dick head towards him or leave the organizatin.
1/17 c109 vengeance20
Ive read this multiple times now. And, except for a few small minute details, this is possibly one of the best fanfics ive read, Kudos.
1/13 c10 6uddha
Nothing happens in this story it 99 percent dialogue in his head
1/13 c8 6uddha
Im confused all this time and they dont come up with a background for him bad writing on the author
1/10 c83 Guest
I'll be honest, the fic is very good but you stretched it too much. An average novel has between 50-100k words and people tend to make their fics way to long.. mad it thru 60 chapters and skimmed the last 20 and cant do it anymore.. checking out here and a bit of advice this needs some revision and rewrite (to cut it down some)
1/6 c109 Easton
One of the best Stories I have read, at least the Grindelwald chapters. No offence but you rushed too much with the chapters pertaining to Voldemort, and the huge time skips as well? It was just kind of sloppily put together in my opinion at least the Voldemort chapters, everything else was absolutely brilliant. Maybe one day you could write a longer and more detailed chapters of the kids growing up and stuff like that, would be much appreciated.
1/6 c87 WhenVipersMeet
How has no one seen the nine-eleven reference in this chapter, had to choke back a laugh lol
1/5 c109 jcnelson125
This tragic, loving, and panging void hangs with me. I feel so empty and yet so full to reach the end, for I know just how much I've come to love the memories, these characters, and your words.

You've broken my heart with such a wonderful work, and I'm decidedly bothered that it's over, tears and all.

I cannot bear to read more, yet crave it again all the same.

Thank you for the water works. This was a good cry.
1/4 c26 1BohemianVoldemort
I really feel like this is inexcusable. Harry knows about the concentration camps, yet won't actively do anything to stop them? That math aint mathing.
12/31/2024 c17 Radia004
Only 17 chapters in and I am loving this book. I have read 4 of your other works and they are as amazing as this one. Please keep up the breath-taking work and for my selfish desire, never stop writing. Your work has been a blessing to my eyes and a time amazingly spent. You have all my love and a special place in my heart. I am so happy I have recommended you to other people so i could share your writing. Your work truly is something I love and want to share with others so they can also read these masterpieces. With school and work, your books have given me piece from life.
12/29/2024 c109 Guest
Oh, I have to say I am a little sad we never had the explanation that was promised about how Harry has basilisk eyes… too bad.
12/29/2024 c109 Guest
Wow. I thought when I started this fanfic, a few days ago, that I would get tired before the end. Something like 700k words is usually an author who stretch his own work too long. Nevertheless, this is excellent. Time pass by just fast enough so we don’t get bored and it is still interesting.
I must say that it’s an excellent time travel story and the character of Harry is very interesting. He is strong, but not flawless (ok, maybe a little)!

Anyway, thanks for writing this! And I will probably read some other stories you wrote!
12/28/2024 c88 Guest
It's been over a year since I pointed out the continuity error in this chapter and it still hasn't been corrected, Eleanor robbed Nine banks not six.
12/30/2024 c109 1bleachorange
An excellent story, though the ending is bittersweet as such endings are. While I have enjoyed other stories on FF more than this, they are few in number.
12/30/2024 c106 Nimbus2023
Gilbert was the one who got a chunk of his ass blown off not Reg. These stories are interesting, but they are starting to feel more like a cash grab. It's like you're trying so hard to get them out to sell the viewing rights to the masses that you're not putting in the due diligence to plan them out properly. There is an old saying that the devil is in the details and it seems like you're neglecting the details a lot more in your later works.

Ever since WoaR the style of your writing has changed. There are noticeable improvements,
Your use of grammar and punctuation has gotten markedly better than in Stepping Back which was atrocious (especially with dialogue). With those improvements, there are also negatives as your later works seem more geared towards monetizing your works on your pay-to-play account than the act of writing a story for the sake of entertainment and it shows when you get sloppy in your writing and kill characters multiple times in a given story, disregard stated facts from previous chapters in a given story, and ignore reviews pointing out said mistakes. For the most part, I ignore canon errors because your stories are riddled with them, and half of the time, I can't tell if they're intentional or if you didn't read the source material thoroughly enough, but you should at least get the details about the universe you created correctly in your own story!

Anyway, rant over God have I been holding that in a while.
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