Just In
for A New Player in the Force: The Gathering Storm

8/2 c29 1Havenone2324
Earth tech the f-35 is quicker then the tie fighter and no jedi can block the fire of a mini gun
8/2 c29 Havenone2324
But people like dark reven could call on it straight away he use to fling meteors at starships some could brake or still use the force through that natural defence
8/2 c24 Havenone2324
When he gonna kill that force beast i think it would be a good way to get exp he can go with bo and hk he’s hound and siv
7/31 c1 Kujukala
if someone would try kissing me out of he blue i would punch them except if they are my girlfriend.
7/18 c9 Hero09
So fucking boring
7/17 c6 Zealot07
teen crap, started okay, is teen crap now
7/17 c18 Havenone2324
4 wookies a cathar a tukutta and mandos as youre guards noones fucking with you lol
7/16 c6 Hero09
This mando arc is such a drag
7/14 c2 Hero09
Fuck off, mate. You can’t just make the naz and cams reconciliation normal. You gotta randomly make it horny. Fuck you. Still gonna read it though cause apart from the one handed righting style it aight.
7/13 c1 Hero09
Tf you mean making things right with Naz, it 100% Naz fault.
7/13 c1 Hero09
7/5 c5 Hyperman15
If Cameron knew about Attack on Titan he could’ve written another book as a criticism of Mandalore’s factions
6/30 c1 Zealot07
the horny teen crap is reaally bad, the story is getting boring but that shit makes it worse
6/29 c30 AuthorXX
Lol the journey ends here, I tried, can't be bothered with book 3. The way you write/tell your story is just too boring for me
6/26 c13 Guest
Organic ships, The yuu zong vhan
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