Just In
for Pray For The Wicked

4/17 c10 Andrew234
the fact that hes even trying to get support from the gryffindors right after blowing off the slytherins instead of coming up with a plan he cones off like a little bitch he should say fuck it figure out i mean hes a slytherin sure ge doesnt have the support he would of had when harry potter was the boy he lived but he also doesnt have the moral standards if hermione could trap rita 4th year then harry if hes as smart as hes said over and over and over should be able to get rid of her
4/17 c109 1UzuShiro
leyendo las review vi que un par de personas se estan quejando por el arco, no les hagas caso, no comprender lo que estas queriendo hacer con harry, quieren un fic donde los personajes Actuen Badass sin desarrollo de personaje, me parece muy interesante lo que estas haciendo con este arco, creo que va muy de acuerdo a todo lo escrito anteriormente.
4/17 c110 UzuShiro
joder joder joder, pobre Harry, mostrandole la vida que pudo tener y encima tener que fingir todo el tiempo es una tortura psicologica que no le deseo a nadie.
no hay nada peor que no poder ser uno mismo.
4/17 c110 dav102102
prime harry back?
4/8 c109 Sunny JS
I hope this arc is final one in Harry's development, cause I felt like you've done tons, with the most noticeable being this one and the one where his mind was being repaired and he said goodbye to Susan and his parents.

I just want Umbridge out of Hogwarts and for Harry to have a somewhat settled 6th year before the storm. Anyway, thanks for the chapter and I look forward to the next.
4/5 c100 L3onidas
NEVER saw that coming, awesome
4/1 c106 2roon0
Wow what an epic chapter.
4/1 c108 Chatruc
Well, this was certainly unexpected. I have confidence that the general mood of the fic won't change because of this.

All the whiners in the reviews should also realize this won't be all rainbows and bunnies lol
3/29 c24 Guest
What a idiot, you go to the infirmary and tell the nurse you have been poisoned, case solved. Closer than the slytherin dormitories full of wards etc...
3/28 c108 roon0
How strange, is it all magic or just a dream.
3/28 c108 18BlueWater5
Good beginning to the new arc.
3/28 c108 Count Daath
Why, just why? Why are doing this stupid ass trope, I'm done I don't want to waste any more of my time on even more stupid ass angst and drama, when we finally getting past it.
3/28 c108 1UzuShiro
buen capitulo.
3/28 c108 dav102102
well i cant say i saw this coming but wow its very creative,i still would really like to see grindelwald tell harry about the elder wand and harry try to steal it or something
3/28 c108 17griffin blackwood
Just when I thought the story was getting better again it falls for a dream/time travel/au troupe…

The sunken cost of how much time I’ve invested is what is keeping me reading.

I was so excited to see the update email after reading the previous chapter but I guess it’s back to superfluous words for another arc.
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