Just In
for Alcoholism In A Fever Dream

2/2 c4 4freedomringer
More madness please
2/2 c1 freedomringer
Hahahaha this great. A PJO crack fic
8/15/2024 c4 1jolene0330
Yo this story had me lmaooo Fr tho it's so fucking good I'm excited for more chapters
8/8/2024 c4 TomasDark
Fucking awesome!
4/1/2024 c4 CafuCoffee
Oh my god this is amazing! Bravo!
1/30/2023 c4 Bio RL
1/28/2023 c4 Guest
An amazing humor fanfic that is criminally under-reviewed and should have way more than 4 chapters.

Also, was the young girl in chapter 3 actually Hestia? I thought going in it might be a young Annabeth, but tending the fire and it exploding at “herpes” made me rethink.
1/7/2023 c4 Ever Tomorrow
I got a good laugh out of this. Way to go!
12/10/2022 c4 Cloud 9 Fish
random octopus. I swear he ordered that just to see it attack someone
11/22/2022 c4 LordNimmu
11/14/2022 c4 gangui
Really funny update soon!
11/4/2022 c4 Knaruto
9/30/2022 c4 edoabb
The writing is a bit crude and corny, but that feels like it was on purpose as the story feels a bit crack. Other than that I like the novelty of the parent divinity and the content so far, hope for some character development, cause seeing another couple of chapters of this drunk prepubescent demigod doing fuck all except drinking and fucking around can get tiring.
9/27/2022 c4 Gabriel H. Sapphire
Now this is content.
9/27/2022 c4 3Dalan777
Wait, so is he inflicting his own madness on others and it only wears off when he's drunk? Or did he just disperse the madness to literally everyone in camp at the same time and it coincidentally faded when he was drunk? Either way, I love this and want to see more.
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