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for One Piece Fates Intertwined

1/28 c1 elisarobinson92
I recently had the pleasure of reading your comic,One Piece Fates Intertwined
and I was really impressed by the storytelling, character development, and vibrant visuals. It’s clear a lot of creativity and passion went into it.

As a digital artist specializing in comic book art, I’d love to help bring your story into the digital realm. I specialize in transforming traditional comics into high-quality digital artwork, optimizing each panel for web publishing, digital prints, or interactive formats while preserving your original vision.

If you're interested in exploring a collaboration, feel free to reach out, and we can discuss how I can bring your comic to life in a digital format.

This work will be commission base

Looking forward to hearing from you! My discord : alimaggoon
11/9/2024 c24 shadylizzard
It's a pretty interesting story, but you copy the story a bit too much. There's a microscopic change here or there, but you follow cannon a little too closely.
11/8/2024 c11 shadylizzard
yknow for how dangerous it is to even say the void century, robin seems to be yapping about it allot.
8/16/2024 c1 Pandatheonepiece
Robins mom is named olvia not olivia
5/2/2024 c1 hentaigameing3412
Man seeing their relationship now I dread the marine fort rescue of ace
4/24/2024 c21 Guest
Enjoying things so far. It's a shame that the story hasn't been updated in so long, I love scenarios like this. Really hope you come back to it soon.
4/23/2024 c1 sheetalgarg
When are you going to update the story
4/6/2024 c12 Guest
Good chap
2/16/2024 c46 Guest
Hey love the story but will you proceed with it or will you stick to the MHA stories
1/30/2024 c10 Guest
What pointless drama. Like, that drama could've went places and made some interesting things happen. It could've been a good thing to touch on throughout the read. But then you just piss-poorly threw all that out the window. Like, bandits, seriously? Ones that came out of no where and disappeared faster than they arrived. What was the point of any of that? Just felt so unnecessary. Personally, I think the bandits kidnapping Olivia nonsense shouldn't have happened and they should've ran away. Seriously, that Mother/Daughter drama could've went places. I'm so disappointed and butthurt by the wasted opportunity there.
1/26/2024 c46 Guest
Hey are you considering of rebooting this story after what is happening currently in the egghead arc and new lore to the One Piece series? I also heard that One Piece is getting a anime remake similar to like Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood. Its going to show on Netflix made by Wit Studio the same people who made Attack on Titan and Spy x Family. I think they just doing the East Blue Saga but if it become really successful they might do more.
1/22/2024 c46 Guest
Its a great story a shame to see it not updated in so long
10/11/2023 c46 37heavy5commando
This is by far the best One Piece Fanfic I have ever read. I am a fan of shipping Luffy with Nico Robin.
10/10/2023 c6 brayancastiblanco14
Esta historia es grandiosa
9/28/2023 c2 brayancastiblanco14
Está genial la historia
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