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for One Piece Fates Intertwined

5/29/2022 c1 Nanonano15243
Would robin telling nami that luffy saved her and a island already, affect nami decision on whether to leave or not?
5/29/2022 c20 20F-ckthesystem125
Not gonna meet with Gaimon and the island of weird animals? Pity. Still, great chapter. Keep up the good work.
5/22/2022 c19 Robin Chwan Fatliyansyah
I love it you Story...!
5/21/2022 c19 4Gerak999
new chapter! yeah, Robin pouting never stops being funny
5/14/2022 c12 ro781727
Wouldn’t Robin be the First Mate? Not just for being Luffy’s girlfriend but for being his first crew mate. Zorro would be the Second Mate in this AU. Love Robin’s lines and I’m looking forward to the Alabasta arc most.
5/13/2022 c6 ro781727
The Alabasta Arc, to read the differences.
5/13/2022 c1 Robin Chwan Fatliyansyah
Nice One...!
5/13/2022 c18 KCtheCastaway
Loved that innocent Luffy moment
5/12/2022 c12 3Pinkypi
she just accidentally used a back handed insult for her boyfriend kekekeke xD
5/12/2022 c18 Guest
I like the story but can we tone down the nami and robin stuff lol. Like we get robin does not like nami but robin and nami are good friends
5/12/2022 c18 20F-ckthesystem125
Not bad, but it really needs a lot of spell check s here and there.
4/26/2022 c17 4thompmil000
This chapter was amazing, and very well written. There are a few grammar mistakes that I happened to notice, but other that that it's amazing.

10/10 would recommend
4/23/2022 c17 Robin Chwan Fatliyansyah
I really like this story...!, I hope you update this story next week or next month.
I will wait for Luffy and Robin's lemon.

Favorite ONEPIECE arc: Dressrosa
4/23/2022 c17 20F-ckthesystem125
I like it, but it has typos and missing words. Keep up the good work.
4/14/2022 c16 searge
This is definitely an interesting story; glad to see Luffy and Robin as a couple at the start of the adventure, and am looking forward for more chapters!
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