Just In
for One Piece Fates Intertwined

12/9/2021 c10 6Smiley-Nami
This is good. Continue when you can.
12/6/2021 c9 brandonmunoz499
You cut off sentances dude like you sometimes dont finish em
12/6/2021 c10 brandonmunoz499
You skip words man. You forget to add words and the sentance is broken yunno
12/6/2021 c10 brandonmunoz499
Good chap mate just have to improve on the past tense words like you use ‘had’ instead of ‘have’
12/6/2021 c10 Guest
Great job thank you for the chapter
12/6/2021 c10 Guest
Good chapter. Romance Dawn in more ways than one.
12/4/2021 c8 5moonl337
great story really curious too see how this goes you write a terrific Luffy his natural Charisma and leadership skills while still being Luffy good job I've noticed in my reading of one piece fanfic is that Luffy a tricky character to write
11/30/2021 c5 erasenpai946
I don't like Ace very much, my favorite brother is Sabo
11/30/2021 c2 erasenpai946
So why not make Luffy older? but I hope Ace goes with Blackbeard and Luffy and Robin travel together, it will be nice to have Robin and Luffy together from the start
11/29/2021 c9 Guest
Good chapter. Okay after teasing us like that in your note you better update soon. Please?
11/29/2021 c1 Guest
Thanks for the chapter
11/29/2021 c9 Naruto D. Dragneel
Love the chapter
11/28/2021 c3 brandonmunoz499
A few grammar errors but not bad
11/28/2021 c2 brandonmunoz499
I hope this doesnt get dropped
11/23/2021 c8 NightDive20
Loved the chapter, looking forward to see how different Ace will treat Robin now that he knows the truth.
Also the arc I’m looking forward to the most is the arlong arc.
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