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for One Piece Fates Intertwined

11/27/2022 c31 2gwencarson126
Vote domino effect
11/18/2022 c31 Lejani Berd-DI
Can not be. LOL. They were more surprised by the bride than the reward. What a nice touch that the characters are mentioned, especially the ones we will meet later, reminding us that they are there. I haven't read One Piece fics in a while, but until then I didn't read about it. I love how you made Luffy smarter but without exaggerating, keeping his childish and innocent essence, he manages to create those funny moments when everyone forgets that his brain works hahaha.

Good on the Alabasta arc! In my opinion, it is possible that if you create a new character, this OC could help you to give ideas or develop more about the Poneglyphs and the empty century, since it is a topic which only turns into Robin in the series.

What's more, for when the official manga reveals the mysteries in the future, an OC or character seen, could open you up or give you ideas to new mysteries. Well, don't forget that it's your decision.
11/18/2022 c31 SethBooker408
Great chapter as always. I think it’d be cool to see the domino effect of no Robin. I can’t wait to see what you come up with if you do decide to do the domino effect.
11/18/2022 c31 Guest
By the way. XD.
Thanks to Ace, you did create a funny material for Luffy and Robin to deal with the misunderstanding of people who think they are brothers. Imagine the scenes of possibilities.
11/18/2022 c31 22redskin122004
I thought I followed this one! still glad to see it still going.
11/18/2022 c31 Guest
Amazing! Good Job.
Congratulations on continuing this story that has fascinated me. When I have time I will review each chapter that I have pending. :D
11/18/2022 c31 GamingShark1014
I liked this chapter alot great job, hmmm... don't know about replacing her or not but I think replacing makes more sense since it's one of the main points of crocodiles plan.
11/17/2022 c31 14Power of Magic
That was quite a chapter, and I'm eager for the next one. The various reactions to Luffy and Robin's bounties was good, and I hope that Dragon will say or give something to Robin when they briefly meet. I'm not sure about the question for what to do when in the Alabasta Arc, as I can see Crocodile being angry that he doesn't have anyone that can read the Poneglyph. But also, if there's an OC helping him, then maybe that person could either join the Straw Hats or live in Alabasta
11/17/2022 c31 Ninjajosh777
I say you should have someone replace Robin because in the Alabasta arc she had a key role in Crocodiles plans, so without her he can't even attempt to read the ponoglyph.
11/17/2022 c30 sheetalgarg
I'm most excited for the arabasta arc
11/15/2022 c5 Guest
Given what I’ve seen in the most recent chapters of the manga (I won’t go into spoilers but) It sucks to say this but it probably would have been better to let the island burn in the long run.
Like the Buster Call of Ohara was WAY more important to the plot than anyone realized.
11/13/2022 c4 Guest
Well….. One Piece Film Red and The Egghead Island arc might warrant some retcons.
11/11/2022 c30 Guest
I spent hours reading this wonderful work. It's great! I look forward to reading more
10/29/2022 c30 Power of Magic
That was quite some chapter, and I look forward to the next one. Glad that Luffy gave Arlong quite the beating, and that the Conomi Island's are finally free of Arlong's rule. Looks like Nezumi is spreading lies about Luffy to try and give him a high bounty. Also, I'm surprised that no-one thought to check up on Nezumi at times in the anime (at least someone of a higher rank than him or something). Cause then they'd have taken care of Arlong much sooner, and Nezumi would have been stripped of his rank and sent to prison
10/29/2022 c30 Guest
Good chap
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