1/3/2024 c9 Wantaknow
so dumdassdore is not good in this story ether, that ass of a man left harry even knowing his aunt and uncle where bad? dumdassdore should go throw the same abuse harry went throw growing up.
so dumdassdore is not good in this story ether, that ass of a man left harry even knowing his aunt and uncle where bad? dumdassdore should go throw the same abuse harry went throw growing up.
1/3/2024 c5 Wantaknow
snape just yells a harry calls him a brat and snape is not in trouble? dumbassdore has lost his mind. snape is just like tom riddle and dumdassdore cant see that?
snape just yells a harry calls him a brat and snape is not in trouble? dumbassdore has lost his mind. snape is just like tom riddle and dumdassdore cant see that?
1/3/2024 c4 Wantaknow
why the hell would albus dumbassdore think harry would be like his parents when he set harry to be raised like Tom Riddle? Albus Dumbassdore is evil or has dementia for a very long time.
why the hell would albus dumbassdore think harry would be like his parents when he set harry to be raised like Tom Riddle? Albus Dumbassdore is evil or has dementia for a very long time.
1/2/2024 c102 Matrixskater
a wonderful story, a nice long journey of live and growth :) excellently written and a joy to read.
a wonderful story, a nice long journey of live and growth :) excellently written and a joy to read.
12/31/2023 c102 Warlock Dragneel
Thanks for completing this amazing piece of work and you have done a marvelous job in writing this.I believe the only other hp fic with no crossover above 100 chapter is cadmean victory.
Thanks for completing this amazing piece of work and you have done a marvelous job in writing this.I believe the only other hp fic with no crossover above 100 chapter is cadmean victory.
12/24/2023 c33 2Cain O'Phelan
The sheer lack of cunning when handling Krum in this matter detracts from the overall story. Had Harry bothered to explain that it was his familial House crest, long before Grindlewald abused it, he and Krum would’ve been fine. Instead we got a pointless arc which accomplished nothing of use.
The sheer lack of cunning when handling Krum in this matter detracts from the overall story. Had Harry bothered to explain that it was his familial House crest, long before Grindlewald abused it, he and Krum would’ve been fine. Instead we got a pointless arc which accomplished nothing of use.
12/22/2023 c101 rageouss
probably the best HP fic I've read, simply amazing. romance is extremely good, fights are decent; and the expansion of the powers of parseltongue were dope.
probably the best HP fic I've read, simply amazing. romance is extremely good, fights are decent; and the expansion of the powers of parseltongue were dope.
12/18/2023 c102 Home World Security
I’m speechless. Well done. This story has found itself a place in my heart.
I’m speechless. Well done. This story has found itself a place in my heart.
12/17/2023 c24 3SHADOWREADERS
didn't mr delacour say that Gabrielle was 12 years old during the tournament
didn't mr delacour say that Gabrielle was 12 years old during the tournament
12/13/2023 c102 Cent
Hey, I just finished this, it's midnight where I am, and honestly this is the most enjoyable read i've had of harry potter fanfiction since I unknowingly stumbled on a cadmean victory. I won't tell you anything about what you could do better, because as far as i'm concerned this is perfect.
The only thing I would say is please add asterisks or something before and at the end of the smut, i'm not much of a fan and it would just make my and others readers who don't necessarily want read smuts lives so much easier.
Ich glaub du bist deutscher auch von was du in den Buch gesagt hast, und ich weiß nicht ob du immer noch die reviews anschaust aber wenn du das siehst, Frohe Weinachten!
Hey, I just finished this, it's midnight where I am, and honestly this is the most enjoyable read i've had of harry potter fanfiction since I unknowingly stumbled on a cadmean victory. I won't tell you anything about what you could do better, because as far as i'm concerned this is perfect.
The only thing I would say is please add asterisks or something before and at the end of the smut, i'm not much of a fan and it would just make my and others readers who don't necessarily want read smuts lives so much easier.
Ich glaub du bist deutscher auch von was du in den Buch gesagt hast, und ich weiß nicht ob du immer noch die reviews anschaust aber wenn du das siehst, Frohe Weinachten!
12/2/2023 c33 2Cain O'Phelan
Harry’s miss handling of Krum is such lousy lazy writing. He could’ve deescalated it and made an ally, or at least a neutral out of Krum, if he had bothered to show him a house, Peverall ring, and explain that it was a symbol of his house long before Grindelwald got a hold of it. to do that more like really bad Draco Malfoy Gryffindor.
Harry’s miss handling of Krum is such lousy lazy writing. He could’ve deescalated it and made an ally, or at least a neutral out of Krum, if he had bothered to show him a house, Peverall ring, and explain that it was a symbol of his house long before Grindelwald got a hold of it. to do that more like really bad Draco Malfoy Gryffindor.
11/25/2023 c19 5BarbedCaress
You have nothing to apologize for.
It is a dueling competition.
Everyone is there by choice.
And only the water bubble at the end was likely lethal and even the because he lost focus.
Ps Trash talk and unbalancing your opponent's mind is part of it.
Don't like it?
Don't step on the platform.
You have nothing to apologize for.
It is a dueling competition.
Everyone is there by choice.
And only the water bubble at the end was likely lethal and even the because he lost focus.
Ps Trash talk and unbalancing your opponent's mind is part of it.
Don't like it?
Don't step on the platform.
11/25/2023 c3 FrostyBehemoth
Finding a beginners guide to occlumency? Fucking really? just no, there's a reason almost no one knows about it, let alone kids his age. And it's just sitting in a book shop? really? It seems you've got no creative flare at all. because that's ridiculous. You literally CAN'T have anyone knowing it. And if it's in a book shop, EVERYONE WOULD. Fuckkkkk.
Finding a beginners guide to occlumency? Fucking really? just no, there's a reason almost no one knows about it, let alone kids his age. And it's just sitting in a book shop? really? It seems you've got no creative flare at all. because that's ridiculous. You literally CAN'T have anyone knowing it. And if it's in a book shop, EVERYONE WOULD. Fuckkkkk.