Just In
for Power, Freedom and a French Flower

10/19/2021 c7 Azathriel
I like the story, but please get a beta or a better one.
10/18/2021 c7 28Kairan1979
I wonder if Dobby will try to bother Harry while he is at Flamels' home.
P.S. Hermione is hopeless.
10/18/2021 c6 3ANUBIS the god king
Your story is amazing so far I really enjoy your work with the wand and how you have portrayed harry it's incredibly well done I hope to see more of your work . I would also enjoy if you would give my collaboration story a look it's called (the journey of the heart) I would love a review from you on what me and my writing partner has so far . And just maybe we can learn a thing or two from each other's work
10/18/2021 c6 PrimeSpectre
Thanks for the chapter ! And what is your update schedule ?
10/17/2021 c6 28Kairan1979
And Hermione didn't even try to befriend Harry after he saved her?
10/17/2021 c5 Kairan1979
And Flitwick did nothing when Harry lost fifty points for 'attacking a teacher'? I thought he'd care more about his students than McGonnagal.
10/16/2021 c5 Byvavavoom
nice chapter
10/16/2021 c5 Pteaset
So good
10/16/2021 c5 Rob1221
Harry should kill Snape like he did the troll, sick of seeign Snape get away with basically killing Harry's parents and then Harry forgiving him
10/16/2021 c2 Galligar
And how did Harry know what words to say , to return that Weird Greeting?

Also I teach 14yo’s I can promise you now, none of them know how to calculate 17*29 in any sense of the word quickly.
10/15/2021 c4 Byvavavoom
nice chapter
10/15/2021 c4 3BrotherCaptainSheperd
Fumbleduck! You literally created the circumstances that molded Harry into your worst nightmare. Enjoy your peace while you have it. It won't last, you old fool.
10/15/2021 c4 Pteaset
So good
10/15/2021 c4 1sitrukpc
Enjoying the story. Hoping your dark description doesn't mean evil.
10/15/2021 c1 1Surthum
Why do you write 'through' as 'thru'? It's weird.
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