Just In
for Power, Freedom and a French Flower

10/27/2024 c72 1Finnspa23
Nice, Fleur!
10/25/2024 c44 Finnspa23
Dumbledore taking credit for Riddle is kind of arrogant. I suppose he could've killed him when Tom was still a student... but otherwise he really can't take ownership of Voldemort's rise. He was his transfiguration teacher I believe... not mentor. At least I've seen no evidence of that in canon or (more importantly) this story.
10/25/2024 c42 Finnspa23
Dammit Harry haha
10/25/2024 c38 Finnspa23
Very interesting ritual there. What are the results again?
10/25/2024 c36 Finnspa23
Good for Dumbledore.
10/25/2024 c35 Finnspa23
10/25/2024 c33 Finnspa23
Great chapter, I really like your version of Harry haha
10/24/2024 c28 Finnspa23
Absolutely love it
10/24/2024 c23 Finnspa23
Really well done!
10/24/2024 c17 Finnspa23
Loved this, excited to see the tournament and maybe meet a flower?
10/24/2024 c12 Finnspa23
Great chapter!
10/24/2024 c10 Finnspa23
Love it!
10/18/2024 c102 darthkratos24
You know I've had my odd moments with this story. I've seen a few flaws but I got to admit... This is a good story. Thank you for the enjoyable read
10/16/2024 c41 darthkratos24
Really that's how it goes? You have harry notices the no doubt stronger compulsion spell on the locket but for some reason he doesn't recognise the one on the cup because he suddenly became stupid and forgot that he was being guided to win?
10/15/2024 c36 darthkratos24
So far I stand corrected, and it seems you even poked fun of the trope I pointed out that was a fun surprise
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