Just In
for Power, Freedom and a French Flower

6/14/2024 c44 duathdaret
this author's note is exactly what type of writers we need, variety is the spice of life.
6/13/2024 c1 Apollanius
3000 th review
6/10/2024 c79 6TigerSwarm9122
Dumbledore is such a self-righteous hypocrital bastard. There are several things he had done wrong with his handling of both Harry and Voldemort. Had he not been so passive and actually taken a stance against the latter then things could have been different. Everyone who's died in both the book and movie. There blood is on his hands.
6/6/2024 c3 Dretnuh
Real convenient how he started off with occlumency lmao just so happens to be building a foundation lmao.
6/6/2024 c3 Dretnuh
Harry really should have come back and bought this snake once its public knowledge that he’s a parselmouth.
6/4/2024 c102 readersphoenix
beautiful and amazing story, a fantastic read. thank you!
5/16/2024 c7 Big.Daddy.Dudders
This reminds me of one of those “all powerful” anime. Not bad per se but hes j a bit too powerful and smart too quick. It’s kinda boring
5/13/2024 c102 Guest
This was one of my absolute favorite reads in a long time! You managed to capture romance and action and drama but never make it truly about one amazingly done!
5/12/2024 c23 Guest
1000 is too low a price same with 10000.
5/10/2024 c33 moaning-myrtl3
Oh i hope Harry befriends Luna.
5/10/2024 c10 moaning-myrtl3
I really couldn’t blame Harry if he decided to go Dark Lord at this point in the story.
5/10/2024 c7 moaning-myrtl3
Hermione sounds like a jealous bitch here lol. But i also think that she wouldn’t have befriended Ron after he was the one who teased and put her in the girl bathroom/troll situation in the first place. Despite her being a complete know-it-all and has a penchant to prove herself to others, I think you really jacked up on her characterization. However, if it was on purpose and for the purpose of trying to make it look like Harry’s actually turning into a supposed Dark Lord then i guess that’s ok.

Btw i found this story after reading Fairborn Adventures and i thought it was quite a decent and interesting read.
5/9/2024 c5 gryphindoros
i misspoke you are right idk that height sounded so wrong to me i apologise author
5/9/2024 c4 gryphindoros
5 ft for an 11yo ... yeah okay
5/6/2024 c72 19DRAGONDAVE45
A well-deserved fate for Bellatrix.
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