Just In
for Power, Freedom and a French Flower

5/3/2024 c3 Guest
And now I'm imagining his wand looking like a waifer stick with a handle so thanks for that. I like this so far though I have a few complaints that might seem non existent to others.
4/24/2024 c62 Guest
You consistently use AM and PM by reduntantly following each with in the morning or in the afternoon. I find that a bit distracting as it is a tiny flaw. Your story is excellent. Thanks
4/23/2024 c5 Zane Tam
The Dursleys were abusive in essentially every conceivable way towards Harry. He was beaten by Dudley, often on Vernon's orders, and sometimes by his uncle himself. He was often denied food, and was given the bare minimum to keep alive.
4/23/2024 c102 2LxZero
I must say this story has been an incredible find! Thanks for writing it!
4/22/2024 c51 Guest
These two cloaks were taken from their owners no less than ( no MORE than ) 48 hours ago. This one..." He held up the cloak in his right hand: "Was taken roughly a minute before the other one." Excellent story. Interesting plot.
4/23/2024 c28 GreenEyesAreAwesome
he is such a simp
4/22/2024 c78 Doobie78
How is Dumbledores hand injured if Harry has the ring?
4/19/2024 c33 Guest
Dueling...great for international relations. Excellent story. Thanks
4/18/2024 c7 Guest
Dear Nick. Sorry old chap. Your trinket was blasted to smithereens. It was for the greater good. Toodles, Al
4/16/2024 c5 Yikes
Was going to give the benefit of the doubt, because usually reviews that are around 1k-2k and over is automatically good in my book, but after finishing chapter 4 I find it odd that you forgot the snake (?) That harry talked to at the shop, read a few comments in the review and them mentioning you forgetting in some chapters makes me want to drop the series.
4/10/2024 c43 Wantaknow
how come no one stopped the minister from threatening harry? it sounded like he wanted harry dead. if it was my kid i would be calling miss bones or wizard duel, the minister is not above the law. so i Wantaknow
4/9/2024 c72 Redreadred214
Yes!, ding dong the crazy witch is dead! Bravo! Thank you so very much. love it!
4/9/2024 c1 1DeiOlympi
I just finished binging this story. It. Was. Awesome!
4/7/2024 c21 1AnneMargaret64
I'm surprised you didn't make Luna best friends with Harry when he was in his second year of school because she was a Ravenclaw too
4/7/2024 c17 1DeiOlympi
Hey, little FYI, Apple didn't get into the phone business until they released the first iPhone on June 29th 2007. Back in 1993 they were still on their line of computers called the Macintosh.
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