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for A Song of Hobbits, Ice and Fire: An Unexpected Journey

12/28/2024 c7 55Dancouga01-23
continue, please, it's very interesting.
9/7/2024 c7 Tobi99
Please updater
7/29/2024 c6 43Patriot-M89
I do hope you continue this again, it's been two years. And I wonder what new weapons will be found in the Troll Cave. Hopefully an Elven Glaive, like Gil-Galad used to wield.
6/2/2024 c7 16Zhorvak
If this story ever coms back I hope Jon and Dany are with Bilbo when he meets Smaug
3/16/2024 c7 Markus23
Please update this story soon I would love to see what happens next.
12/27/2023 c7 Shadowsinner
Will you be updating again.
12/16/2023 c7 machonacho818
I really hope a story lime this continues on I want to a the whole story
12/9/2023 c7 Guest
Will this story be updated ?
11/21/2023 c7 4Crazzytony
This was great and I would love to read more but I see it hasn't been updated for awhile, if this does get continued you have a new reader in me!
8/5/2023 c7 djdaisy
Great story, hope you update
7/29/2023 c7 Poseidon3000
Good fic
7/27/2023 c7 20Puffgirl1952 the 2nd
It's been years since since this was updated and I miss this story...
6/30/2023 c7 43Patriot-M89
Nice work on this so far, and as well as your additions to the original version. I hope you continue and show us what other changes you added. Also, loved that Asha sucker punched Balon...served the prick of a squid right.
5/28/2023 c1 1rifter28
Are you still updating this?
1/27/2023 c1 Big fan
Come on, this was starting to get really good please continue this
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