Just In
for In an Ocean of Stars

2/6 c25 SL Game Bot
Update Brother
2/6 c1 brandoncomfort079
pls update
2/6 c25 Garfungo
Need you back asap.
1/26 c25 Guest
this is amazing
1/22 c24 Bulbasur
More please and of your are still going through a dark place then take all the time you need!
1/22 c16 coldgalaxy00
stop doing this Shit bro i wanna see how she reacts
1/14 c14 TysonInnocent1
HOLY HELL, God I just wanted to squish into my pillows and die
1/13 c3 TysonInnocent1
This is amazing, I never thought I would find a read as good as this, your writing makes me feel like I'm reading a Rick riordian book, although the plot is something I wouldn't have imagined in a million years no matter how far fetched, your writing just sells it, I honestly think this is one of the best written fics I have read here yet
12/24/2024 c25 Bigg101
Fkc this story is perfecttt hope the updates get more frequent now that you’re better
12/23/2024 c22 Bigg101
Lord of order council of peaceful titans oh this is heating up
12/23/2024 c18 Bigg101
Keep noticing it saying a couple weeks for the timeline since hes been baxk but juding by thd time skips present while reading its been a few months just pointing that out
12/23/2024 c16 Bigg101
Wanted them to say fck the council so bad and stand on it
12/22/2024 c15 Bigg101
Hes in the process if becoming a god how is he even involved in the prophecy
12/12/2024 c1 Therealsonoftheseagod
Whilst I do understand poseidon has killed probably billions in crossfire. Its zeus who started both the vote to expell him and then offered a duel and then when he could not win started a war. Why is zeus either not punished more severly or Poseidon given more leeway
12/6/2024 c25 1FrostyComparison
Wow just wow. So excited for more chapters. Genuinely the best Percy x Artemis story I've ever read. You legend.
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