Just In
for The Cleaner

1/29 c46 Marymary123
Read this again.. How many time? several.
1/27 c31 grapesiii
Uk i kinda feel sad that he will get killed? Ik he is not the best person bur he does love her
1/26 c24 grapesiii
1/25 c14 grapesiii
Gifts! I guess its platt!
1/25 c10 grapesiii
1/7 c46 WordsMusicMagic
Movie! I want the movie! You are such an amazing writer. Impeccably detailed, well-researched, nearly flawless grammar and punctuation. You don't need a beta or editor, you need a fucking publisher. Your action thrillers are better than most novels and you have talent in spades. Thank you for sharing. I hope you keep writing!
1/6 c30 WordsMusicMagic
Good chapter. Nice to finally have some background and character development. Love the smexin' too.
1/6 c26 WordsMusicMagic
Yesssssssss... just yes.
1/6 c25 WordsMusicMagic
I think I had the same reactions as Bella in this chapter. I can't wait to see how she responds.
1/5 c17 WordsMusicMagic
Love this lethally sexy Edward! Yummy. Loving this fic too!
9/29/2024 c46 IsabellaSwan6
I completely loved this fic.
From the amazing plot to awesome characters.
Chemistry between our Edward and Bella.
Each and everything was touching.
Thank You for this gem.
9/11/2024 c1 grapesiii
Read it twice lol true
9/11/2024 c1 grapesiii
The best!
9/7/2024 c11 grapesiii
8/3/2024 c46 NST-96
beautiful! cant get enough of these two lets hope for a sequel
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