2/2 c31 Estranged Being
Part of me hopes humanrise is entirely on the level. Like if you have to have a another villain faction why not have a mutant quirk one show up. It would also demonstrate that there is more wrong with hero society than just quirkless descrimination.
Part of me hopes humanrise is entirely on the level. Like if you have to have a another villain faction why not have a mutant quirk one show up. It would also demonstrate that there is more wrong with hero society than just quirkless descrimination.
1/14 c31 SirTypesaLot
Yo fou d this by complete accident, but there were a few things that wound up getting overlooked big time, at least that's how it looked and could be very interesting to explore. See in the latest chapter you mentioned how aizawa and all might could've possibly gotten memories of Batman and Superman respectively, but that also includes Dinah since she had also been in the room as well. Not to mention that Damian actually got out of there in one piece so it's entirely possible for him to turn up if you want to use him. Would be an interesting way to out midoriya to his friends when either they or other heroes mistake Damian for a villain. Assuming he isn't puking the job nja stihck somewhere else assuming he's even in the same dimension.
Yo fou d this by complete accident, but there were a few things that wound up getting overlooked big time, at least that's how it looked and could be very interesting to explore. See in the latest chapter you mentioned how aizawa and all might could've possibly gotten memories of Batman and Superman respectively, but that also includes Dinah since she had also been in the room as well. Not to mention that Damian actually got out of there in one piece so it's entirely possible for him to turn up if you want to use him. Would be an interesting way to out midoriya to his friends when either they or other heroes mistake Damian for a villain. Assuming he isn't puking the job nja stihck somewhere else assuming he's even in the same dimension.
12/17/2024 c31 Halo
Honestly was kind of hoping Red Hood would get the first few steps of his super move from the game. Unless the ‘Bulletstorm’ suggestion and ‘Airburst’ are the planting seeds to Red Hood eventually pulling off ‘Gotham’s Outlaw’ although maybe with a different name.
The do able part of his video game super move would probably be the first portion of it. Where Red hood tosses a grenade behind his opponent, drop kicks them into it and shoots them mid air. But in this case, maybe the grenade in the right angle could have enough force to launch his opponent well over his body and he could shoot them before they hit the ground, instead of defying physics and sticking a grenade on their back.
Nice reference with “Gotham stars” one of Red Hood’s moves in the game
Honestly was kind of hoping Red Hood would get the first few steps of his super move from the game. Unless the ‘Bulletstorm’ suggestion and ‘Airburst’ are the planting seeds to Red Hood eventually pulling off ‘Gotham’s Outlaw’ although maybe with a different name.
The do able part of his video game super move would probably be the first portion of it. Where Red hood tosses a grenade behind his opponent, drop kicks them into it and shoots them mid air. But in this case, maybe the grenade in the right angle could have enough force to launch his opponent well over his body and he could shoot them before they hit the ground, instead of defying physics and sticking a grenade on their back.
Nice reference with “Gotham stars” one of Red Hood’s moves in the game
12/14/2024 c31 Guest
12/15/2024 c15 jimmy.oz
Pretty good story so far keep up the good work. he actually did pretty well for having to fight them and might not have had the problem if he was just fighting one of them at the time.
Pretty good story so far keep up the good work. he actually did pretty well for having to fight them and might not have had the problem if he was just fighting one of them at the time.
12/15/2024 c13 jimmy.oz
My money is on red hood but that is when he has all his memories and everything and not how izuku only seems to have some and not all. however if izuku doesn't mention it then tenya is going to die most likely unless he gets really lucky with shoto.
My money is on red hood but that is when he has all his memories and everything and not how izuku only seems to have some and not all. however if izuku doesn't mention it then tenya is going to die most likely unless he gets really lucky with shoto.
12/14/2024 c11 jimmy.oz
Too bad he wasn't able to put a bug on chitose since that could probably have gotten them a lot of information if it worked.
Too bad he wasn't able to put a bug on chitose since that could probably have gotten them a lot of information if it worked.
12/14/2024 c10 jimmy.oz
Wont lie if he finds the whole mla city and all during this time that would be awesome lol. even if it is just a small cell that is still interesting. not sure how he is going to pull it off with the one arm and all. still pretty good story so far keep up the good work.
Wont lie if he finds the whole mla city and all during this time that would be awesome lol. even if it is just a small cell that is still interesting. not sure how he is going to pull it off with the one arm and all. still pretty good story so far keep up the good work.
12/14/2024 c31 Blaze1992
Hey quick question in DC the animated at least there's the weird theory/fan hope that during the OG teen titans show that it was Jason using the red X suit during the 2nd time the character was brought into the show. If that is true or not still what's stopping from mentioning it to Hatsume, the red X suit is a game changer filled with "super-moves" and in a world of quirk tech it should be easier to recreate?
Hey quick question in DC the animated at least there's the weird theory/fan hope that during the OG teen titans show that it was Jason using the red X suit during the 2nd time the character was brought into the show. If that is true or not still what's stopping from mentioning it to Hatsume, the red X suit is a game changer filled with "super-moves" and in a world of quirk tech it should be easier to recreate?
12/14/2024 c9 jimmy.oz
If he didn't have to worry about all the people trying to get him kicked out of the school then i feel that with him wanting to be an underground hero then the festival is a bad idea to do.
If he didn't have to worry about all the people trying to get him kicked out of the school then i feel that with him wanting to be an underground hero then the festival is a bad idea to do.
12/14/2024 c8 jimmy.oz
I can't stand bakugo but it is whatever. i just thought about it but without izuku being there tenya is going to die unless his brother doesn't get hurt.
I can't stand bakugo but it is whatever. i just thought about it but without izuku being there tenya is going to die unless his brother doesn't get hurt.