Just In
for Useless

2/2/2022 c7 7Dtilmnh
It's not bad but the last three chapters were far too rushed and Ron forgave her a little too quickly for my tastes.
1/4/2022 c1 thatsmeglen
Umm this was a lil overdramatic for my liking... not to mention Hermione is totally out of character... way too much ron glorifying and this coming from someone who is a diehard ron Weasley fan,i worship that ginger but instead of working on their problem I felt u spent most of the time trying to prove his importance.

Moreover, one can write a ron centric fic without belittling hermione's character... Romione isn't complete without Hermione after all... the Hermione that fell in love with him and eventually married him wouldn't treat him like that... they both grew throughout the books and came to appreciate eachother... after years of yearning for him, i hardly believe she would treat him like that...Sure she has known to have angry bouts, but Hermione has never been an obnoxious person.
12/19/2021 c5 ashish123
Great suspence. Please continue with the next update. Love the way Ron handling the situation. Eagerly waiting for your next update...
12/18/2021 c5 G1223
Very nice. I like that Ron. Isn't being written as a joke.
11/20/2021 c1 ashish123
Great start. I hope you will continue with this story even further. Great surprise at the end. I guess Hermione has do to a lot of thinking after saying those things.
Ron's reaction was so like Ron. I just hope Ron doesn't forgives her quickly.

I still want them to work together and come out happily in the end. But sometimes, Ron is right also and Hermione can't win always. I hope both Ron and Hermione do some soul searching after this. Looking forward to your next update.
11/18/2021 c1 Guest
Please don’t have Ron forgive her right away. I was always annoyed that in canon he forgave her quickly. I mean, take the Crookshanks vs/Scabbers thing, it doesn’t matter that ultimately she was right, she didn’t know that. If Scabbers really HAD been a rat, she would have done the same thing. That’s a shocking lack of care for a friend who just lost a beloved pet. Granted, she DID finally apologize and Ron forgave her immediately, but that’s not why I have an issue with it. I have an issue with it because it set a precedent that she was always in the right, even if she wasn’t. Like when she sent birds after Ron, we were supposed to empathize with HER, not the boy that she attacked. She never apologized for it yet Ron forgave her anyway. Don’t get me wrong, I still ship Romione, but I dislike that even in Romione fics, if they have a fight, Rons always in the wrong.

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