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for DxD: Solomon's Game

2/3 c62 Guest
still glad for kick the Hindu got. seems Solomon is getting some progress done
2/2 c62 Guest
2/4 c52 5Slurpy Noodles
Absolutely fabulous and amazing! I can't wait for the boosted gear to come back tho, cuz I already know just how insane Issei will become!
2/4 c62 Walker300
So we are introducing more deities that surpass the pre established hierarchy huh? I'm interested in the Egyptians being more relevant but I can't help but wonder if the primordials will play a factor going forward. Either way keep doing what you do best
2/3 c62 2Xerzo LotCN
Sorry i didn't not mean it insultingly like the lore is interesting and i like Hindu took a hit they need it and the system return and gears
But so much original content and all the history figures and being so strong used
Plus endless devil reincarnation because ok and demons being insanely op starter than the 4 original satans who were demons
Plus them being smarter than the smartest people lol i mean its funny but also how did he slip under their radar for Ignium to find first

So it was tough to get through as it didn't have much of my interest that just how i am with complete original content in fanfiction that are huge chunks without mc and main cast sorry vs the rest of this current chapter had my interest
Maybe if it hadn't been all at once but that wasn't possible with the timing so i get why and it is very plot relevant so i pushed through and didn't skip because it had meaning it just didn't atch my interest
Maybe with out all the endless devil peerage and so many over power version of historical figures
Maybe just the big 6 vs deities and army vs army in the background been fine

Speaking of this chapter
better regen and 10 percent damage neg and 20 percent omni type resistance and natural armor also 500 cap is huge nice

And things are slowly going better for Solomon is cool hopefully by mid or late summer he have majority and purge the curse and return to issei as its been a few weeks? and he has a quarter

Also rias and ravel and even raynare tad naive huh in the grand scheme thankfully they got informed

So looking forward to tannin training being actually good lol

Cause i mean loki happens when they return to school post summer (vol 7) not during the summer as anime had it done because incorporated extra content into proper place in timeline so they only had half a season so they botched 3 volumes lol

So kuroka replacement is hindu instead of Japanese yokai
What are they doing exactly anyways

Come on dan why not destroy him
please let the maker guy see whats going on in errgo weakened state and fix it remove his issues in the system
Because unless errgo joins issei i just want him destroyed lol stop being William lol
sorry not meant in a rude way he just keeps coming back like a bad issue since issei missed the optional quest i assume reason but so many good endings points it seemed like
2/1 c61 Guest
Please update soon!
2/2 c62 codywhite162
Excellent chapter!
1/20 c61 Goodsend
You know, having basically read this story from chapter 1 to now in like a month, I remember some author notes where you claim not to use plot armor for your characters. Looking at this arc, it feels you are not just using plot armor but also bashing other pantheons (you did disregard loki).

Other than that, it's an interesting read, and I await to reading the repercussions of this side-arc.

Also how come Ignium is so afraid of the boosted gear, but is strong enough to fight gods. You would think he would have let Issei and Vali kill each other instead of stopping them. Its not like he knew issei had a way of reviving her.
1/21 c61 ZenithSerac
1. Ignium has a crazy line up in his army my head snapped up when I heard Adolf fucking Hitler
2. I feel there's no reason for Ignium to be this powerful I get he's supposed to be the final boss or something but I feel he's too powerful I hope an explanation for his power comes up later on
3. I just realised Issei's Seal of Solomon ability is maxed out so he can use it instantly on any unholy Abrahamic being no matter how strong they are so technically he could just defeat Ignium like that and he also could of used it on Vali as well

Theory: As the creators for the void system exist out of time theoretically Issei could be the I in the V.O.I.D system and he just sent it into the past of his timeline. I know it's realistically not the case but I just thought of it randomly didn't really put mush thought into it
1/19 c61 Guest
gotta admit I kinda support Ignium and his goals, at least partially and especially here in the war to return the sacred gears that Indra stole
1/19 c61 Yetsush
Bit ridiculous that the Snakes could actually go toe to toe with the Gods, even if the Gods were weakened. Ignium is far too powerful as he is no different from Michael and Azazel as being an original angel and yet becoming a demon enhanced him this far. Also that fear ability, they are Gods so why do they need to see to fight? They could just close their eyes at the few times they looked away and used their senses. Buy whatever, plot armor for the Snakes it is.
1/20 c61 PTYN
Good chapter, I really liked the fight scenes.

But I can't help but feel a lot of this 'war' was asspull after asspull. No offense, a lot is good, but it seems like a lot of the focus is being put on this OC, when Issei barely even knows of them. Like nothing in these recent chapters, pretty much any of the main cast knows of it.

I suppose trying to fill up time in between Issei losing Solomon and his gears power and getting it back is important, but straight up skipping over any and all interaction with the main people in the story? I'll keep reading but it seems that the Snake of Adam and Ignuim are too OP for what they're worth. I get people losing faith in their deities, but a demon, alibiet a really powerful one, but allowing him to go toe to toe with some of the most powerful deities, albiet weakened, in the Hindu pantheon, with little repercussions? Wtf?

They seem to be too big for their britches. Some explanation or more explanation would be helpful imo.

Good chapter overall tho, liked the creative powers.
1/20 c61 Devilscreed
I commend you for trying to use German but as a native speaker I have a few corrections to make:

"Aufladung! Lassen Sie ihnen keine Sekunde Zeit, sich zu organisieren und so viel Boden wie möglich zu erobern!"

"Aufladung" is a hilarious mistranslation to me because it is the electrical translation of "Charge" and not used in this context. The second part is more grammar related since the part after "...zu organisieren und ..." would keep the opponents as the subject and doesn't tell his own soldiers to take as much ground as they can. A better way to get the intention across would be:
"Vorwärts! Lassen Sie ihnen keine Sekunde Zeit, sich zu organisieren und erobern Sie so viel Boden wie möglich!"

The second part is simpler. All the words are correct but a native speaker would use the noun "Bewegung!" instead of the verb "Bewegen!". As such the correct way would be:
"Sergeant! Los geht's! There is no time to waste! Bewegung! Bewegung! Bewegung!"
1/20 c61 Xerzo LotCN
I mean that was way over done and way too much lol

But uh taking a part of the god system back and restoring a large part of it probably you know is good at least

Also sorry but a massive slog to read
1/19 c61 8Heliel42
as Hindu i didn't know what Blasphemy was until i read this. I agree that Deva are easy to defeat with enough power but you seriously underestimated powers of Vishnu and Shiva, you straight up ignoring many passive hax and weapons like Brhmaastra or Third Eyes.
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