Just In
for Dinner with the Swans

5/1/2023 c7 Riddan
5/1/2023 c7 24gabby1017
Oh, I'm on it!
4/23/2023 c6 LydiaDeetz dead girl
What is heeeer joooob?
3/18/2023 c6 greeneyes4646
This is my favorite story. I've read it like 4 times. I hope you add a part 2 or a few future takes. if not is pretty great the way it is.
3/18/2023 c6 Momma Laura
What? She's not a porn star after all? lol
3/18/2023 c6 sosueme
Fun story, love all the extremes these characters show, and how it takes Bella to rein them in. Your characters are some special kind of wild!
2/20/2023 c6 cctwilight
I'm glad they all had a great Thanksgiving. But! You have got to tell us what Edward and Bella do for a living! Loved this story! I hope you write some future takes!
2/19/2023 c5 cctwilight
I love that the sisters are all calling Bella with their issues.
2/19/2023 c4 cctwilight
Tanya needs to stop blaming Bella for everything and live her own truth. I can't wait to find out for sure what they do for a living.
2/19/2023 c3 cctwilight
Bella did a good thing for her sister. Renee didn't even listen when Kate admitted that Bella was responsible for the wedding arrangements.
2/19/2023 c2 cctwilight
What kind of work do Edward and Bella do? Bella's family is something else.
2/19/2023 c1 cctwilight
Bella's sisters aren't very nice except for Rose.
1/23/2023 c6 quinzy
Maybe next chapter we'll know what Bella's job really is
1/21/2023 c6 Guest
Wait you really not gonna tell us what Bella's job is!? That's just rude lol. Love the story!
1/17/2023 c1 Guest
3rd time reading this I absolutely love it I need to know what Bella does for work...
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