Just In
for Dinner with the Swans

11/26/2021 c1 RheaLeigh
How is this only a one shot. I feel like I need to know more. Like do they find out about Tanya and James? What does Rosalie and Emmett call their baby? How do they react to find out Bella and Edward is a real couple? How did they meet? I have too many questions please write more to this
11/26/2021 c1 Princess butterfly 22
Love it! But I want more! I have questions: What does Bella do that is so annoying to her parents? Where did she meet Edward? Why is Renee so pushy? and most importantly, does Tanya get her comeuppance?
11/26/2021 c1 traceybuie
Sweet story... Thanks for writing and sharing.
11/26/2021 c1 kaira jain
hahahahhaha! wow this is great. i reallly wanted everyone to find out about tanya though! this is going to be my new absolute favourite.
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