Just In
for Footprints in the Sand

1/17 c38 1Flora Mile
Oh man, you have made Addie the most adoriable little girl i have read, she reminda me of my own Neice. And ahe is a ballwt princess and i adore her! She is like my own.
12/29/2024 c43 nanacullen1234
11/30/2024 c40 TheGreenPanther
All the proposals were perfect. Now Addie gets her Simonese kitten. Lol
11/28/2024 c32 TheGreenPanther
That was good to get his perspective
Now back to Bella. :o)
11/10/2024 c43 6StarryEyedWriter8
Loved it!
11/9/2024 c41 Flippysten
Lol I be mortified if i got caught having sex too ; )
Bella is perfect for them I can't get it out of my head love her commit about when Edward said they were a package deal and Addie came with him but Bella corrected him and said he came with Addie.

Love this story so much it melts my heart .
11/9/2024 c40 Flippysten
Love love that he went to Charlie's grave to ask him to marry Bella. The proposal was very cute loved Edward having Addie be apart if it : ) Best of all Addie gets a cat.
11/9/2024 c39 Flippysten
Aww very cute
11/9/2024 c38 Flippysten
Ha ha Addie is too adorable.
Oh Addie definitely spilled the beans; )
11/4/2024 c43 Cullenosopy
I wonder if Edward is going to petition the court for a restraining order against Rosalie. He's not a particular happy camper when they all arrive home, Addie's and Bella's video was just the ticket to elevate Edward's sour mood.

Go to sleep.

Thank you!
10/27/2024 c37 Flippysten
Oh my gosh so scary glad Addie is ok.
10/27/2024 c36 Flippysten
10/25/2024 c43 pipelynn
This was perfect! I want to know what was said when Edward went back in the house!
10/14/2024 c43 Jinx095
Yay! I have been anxiously awaiting an update for so long! Hope to see more updates soon.
10/14/2024 c43 1JayNahNah
What is Rosalie’s hold on Emmett?
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