Just In
for Decision Made

3/26/2024 c1 Guest
3/30/2022 c1 Tommy14
Wish it happened like this in the story. I enjoyed reading your story. Thanks for sharing this.
1/3/2022 c1 Guest
Take Joe out of picture, much better. Not like book. Not a Joe Mo fan ever! Ranger and Steph fan for life!
1/2/2022 c1 AZBarb
Much better ending. Had to laugh that Joe noticed the trash can contents.
1/3/2022 c1 GarbanzoBeans
Loved it. Thanks for sharing.
1/1/2022 c1 Guest
Thank you, this is how the book should have ended. Much, much better. Don't know why she's with Joe in the books.
1/1/2022 c1 Guest
Fantastic! Love Ranger and Steph together and married! Happy day and happy new year 2022.
1/1/2022 c1 JB
Finally, the right decision is made at the perfect time. Thanks for sharing. JB.
1/1/2022 c1 Guest
Yes! Joes name calling would have sent me running long before Hawai’i.
1/1/2022 c1 Guest
Oh wouldn’t that have been perfect
1/1/2022 c1 Guest
That is the only way that book should have ended!
1/1/2022 c1 Guest
Wish Stephanie would finally do this. Good ending.
1/2/2022 c1 12Babefan2019
I like your ending much better! Thanks for sharing.
1/1/2022 c1 Daffybduck
Awwwww, I can only wish!
1/1/2022 c1 51txbabefan
Definitely a better ending that what we got in canon!
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