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for Living with a Russian Ex-Assassin: Dangers May Include

9/19/2022 c5 3smh204
OOOH YAY YOURE ALIVE! Thanks for feeding us and giving us this little part to keep us going until the TTW update! Based on this snippet it seems like it’s gonna be an interesting and hilarious chapter. Cat’s brain is always scattered in the most random and hilarious places. I am also in the trenches of college apps rn so best of luck to you. We rly out here fighting for our lives. Take your time on the updates; life comes first. Or maybe write a college app about this fan fic. Can’t wait to read more and an update of TTW too!
8/11/2022 c4 Sulzi
Very good
8/9/2022 c4 liv
ahhhh omg so freaking cuteeeeee! ugh i love cat/nat/tony interactions!

can wait for 27!
-liv :)
8/7/2022 c4 lovelylizy2000
Love your story now following! . Please update soon!
8/4/2022 c4 smh204
HAHA that was funny. Cat with a phone seems slightly like a recipe for disaster bc she’d def prank call ppl but I feel like nat would want her to have one for safety. AND PLS PLS YES POST ALL THE DELETED SCENES I FR WANT AND LOVE ALL THE CONTENT POSSIBLE YOULL GIVE US
6/8/2022 c3 Guest
So basically this chapter told me what I already know. I’ll love and read ANYTHING you write. I love LOVE how you write dialogue. I understand and support why you choose to write what u did. The characters were written well but it did feel a little crowded and some small plot holes about natasha missing the bugs and stuff. But honestly, they were ALL so good so you couldn’t have gone wrong any way. I like how the one you choose was more intimate and focused on nat and cat specifically, while also allowing some bonding between wanda and cat, while cat also got closure on nats feelings to her through wanda. I thought that was a nice moment.
I like that, in general, seen especially in the beginning of this chapter, cat is beginning to trust others with her feelings and be more open about how she’s feeling. Yeah, she might be embarrassed about crying in front of nat but cat knows she can trust her and is willing to cry in front of her, as apposed to having to cry alone after her parents funeral (which is gut wrenching). I’m glad nat is sorta forcing cat out of her shell and allowing her to be vulnerable. Nat is showing her that she doesn’t have to deal with everything alone and cat can rely on others to help her (like this whole experience showed her and I think that’s great character development). I would love to see more of cat having to deal with her parents death in the wake of this whole Oscar situation too, maybe she talks to nat about it or she visits their grave because this chapter talks about her parents death and I’m curious how she dealt with it. seeing not only rob Martinez die in front of her but also her parents is absolutely horrible, and with nat’s past, maybe there’s some common ground there (although maybe nat did more of the killing part lol).
I like how Wanda was prevalent in all endings though, her and cat have a fun dynamic. Also I Hope that in TTW you do revisit Peter and his role in the storyline, as he knows small bits about cat from the notebook. It would be interesting to see him follow through with that. It was brought up in an alternate ending, but it would be nice to see in the story.
Like other commenters said on TTW, it would be cool to have nats POV just so I get the satisfaction of seeing the details of nat beating the shit out of Ricky. Also seeing her perspective and thoughts on cat, who nat basically took under her wing, betray and lie to her. I’m glad nats not super furious though because it’s understandable that cat was manipulated.
But above all else seeing nat and cat have domestic funny (dialogue heavy as u write dialogue SO WELL) moments. I especially love the moments where cat annoys and bugs nat almost to the point of murder LOL but cat is the one of the only people that nat has to suck it up with bc nat can’t murder her LOL. Anyways it doesn’t matter what you write bc I love anything you do so I just can’t wait for another update! Keep up the good work!
6/8/2022 c3 liv
heyyyy i’m just reading this now haha. i’m pretty glad that u went with what you did for the second part, except i absolutely LOVEDDDDDD the bits of physical affection between nat and cat like her falling asleep on her shoulder or nat putting her hand on cat’s shoulder. i would love to see more little things like that included in further chapters as they both get more and more acclimated to each other in terms of that physical affection!

also, even though i do agree that it kinda disturbed the mood and i’m glad that u went with the version that you did, i will admit that i definitely snort-laughed quite a few times reading that first part with toby and peter lmaooooo

i’m glad that you posted these! great content as always!
-liv :)
6/8/2022 c3 smh204
Thank you so much for posting the alternate ending! These endings solidified what I already know: I’ll literally love and read anything you write. You couldn’t have gone wrong any way. Although I like what you decided on, as it just feels most in character for all of them! I love how much nat wants to help cat in each ending and how supportive she is of her. Facing Oscar again was an interesting choice and I wonder what would have happened if that continued but ultimately I’m glad it’s over for cat. She deserves some fluffy domestic moments. I can’t wait for what you write next, thanks for updating this!
5/6/2022 c1 Jaegerwolf10
An "inhumanly smart," gray-eyed, blonde wirh a severe fear of spiders... someone needs to tell Athena we found her kid.
2/19/2022 c2 Guest
AH THESE HAVE BEEN SUCH AMAZING ONESHOTS. SO FUNNY AND AMAZING. ILOVE CATAND NATS RELATIONSHIP. I hope you’re doing well! I know you’re probably super busy with school and other stuff and ofc that takes priority BUT if u have time in between it would be awesome if u updated! Even something small wouldbe so appreciated! Take all the time u need tho, we’ll wait for u 3 love it sm
1/21/2022 c1 Quinn
I love their dynamic so much! I binged all of Thawing the Widow today and it is easily my favorite Black Widow fic and maybe even my favorite fan fiction fic. This was so fun! Such great writing! It’s sweet to see this caring side of Natasha and having her interact with a witty character like Cat is perfect. If you are still taking suggestions I have sort of an ansty one. I forgot her parents were dead until the nightclub chapter and it reminded me of cat’s trauma. I suggest a story in which it is the year anniversary (I feel weird calling it that since it seems celebratory but…) of her parents death. Cat is off and Natasha notices. Perhaps cat visits her parents grave without Natasha’s knowledge and is upset at first at yet again sneaking but when she realizes she’s nothing but supportive of Cat. Maybe Cat even talks to her parents grave saying that she’s doing ok now that Trevor is not in charge of her and Natasha is taking care of her (like she and her father saw In the newspaper) and Natasha watches all of this. I don’t know haha I am just spitballing. Just one where cat realizes her trauma and Natasha supports her through all of it. Of course, if you don’t feel comfortable writing this it is absolutely no worries. I will read anything you write as you are such an incredible Writer and have an excellent sense of humour!
1/16/2022 c2 liv
awwwwwww omg i loved this one so much toooooo!
so glad to have u back! ur doing great, i’m about to go read the new chapter of 9C!
-liv 3
1/16/2022 c1 livvvvv
i’m so glad that ur backkkkkkkk!
-liv ;)
1/16/2022 c2 Guest
When are you gonna update the main story?
1/14/2022 c2 Hannah
Lmao that was so funny! That little girl is hilarious! Also awww at Nat already loving that Cat lives with her and how she knows her so well already like she knows when she's lying and everything, hope we could see more fluff in the next chapters!
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