Just In
for Hybrid in DXD

11/30/2022 c14 4Alucard
I like the story and the premise but you might want to get beta writer. I can follow the story but it’s hard at times
11/28/2022 c5 flip flip2 electric bogaloo
chad is mexican
11/28/2022 c14 2Dracoog101
Mind control and possession is not cool. Glad to hear from this story.
9/3/2022 c13 Paimon777
Pls update soon
9/3/2022 c13 4Gojosin
DxD canon is going to be hilarious with Ichigo existing.
9/3/2022 c13 4UniverseHopper
8/13/2022 c12 2Dracoog101
Take your time man, life is life
8/11/2022 c12 Trinix8
good chapter
8/10/2022 c7 Nikkless
really didint like im out
8/10/2022 c6 Nikkless
only thing i liked about this was that the idea felt interesting, but the way you made him more "powerful" felt little bit of a nerf
8/10/2022 c5 Nikkless
really felt poorly made reincarnation
8/10/2022 c5 Nikkless
idiotic , no zangetsu or white boring
8/10/2022 c4 Nikkless
8/10/2022 c3 Nikkless
didint like it
8/10/2022 c2 Nikkless
yeah wtf
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