2/10/2022 c8 Wolfkill2610
very good story I like the path you take. especially the way you take the time to explain the fusion of it's power.
very good story I like the path you take. especially the way you take the time to explain the fusion of it's power.
1/29/2022 c7
1Archangel Xireon Chaos God
Soo...is Ichigo finally gonna have access to the He'll Armor and He'll Chains? It never really left him from its wielding to the end of the TYBW. Just sayin.

Soo...is Ichigo finally gonna have access to the He'll Armor and He'll Chains? It never really left him from its wielding to the end of the TYBW. Just sayin.
1/29/2022 c7 Peroroncino
Finally an update...been waiting for this to be updated .. so pls continue to update this story
Finally an update...been waiting for this to be updated .. so pls continue to update this story
1/28/2022 c6 Magika Wizard
This story is getting interesting I look forward to reading another chapter soon and stay safe.
This story is getting interesting I look forward to reading another chapter soon and stay safe.
1/24/2022 c6 madstack
This was looking promising — if weirdly paced — until this chapter. The grammar is all over the place, while Azazel is acting OOC in a very cringy way. Also, the whole chapter is pretty much meaningless, as aside from the information that Ichigo is becoming a god, everything else is already established fact.
This was looking promising — if weirdly paced — until this chapter. The grammar is all over the place, while Azazel is acting OOC in a very cringy way. Also, the whole chapter is pretty much meaningless, as aside from the information that Ichigo is becoming a god, everything else is already established fact.
1/20/2022 c6 Declan Campbell
Ichigo wouldn’t have a Harem, not really his nature to have one in the first place.
Ichigo wouldn’t have a Harem, not really his nature to have one in the first place.
1/18/2022 c6
Just let Issei's harem happen in the background, the focus of this story is obviously Ichigo, so Issei's path is secondary.

Just let Issei's harem happen in the background, the focus of this story is obviously Ichigo, so Issei's path is secondary.
1/17/2022 c6 FallenSage
Ignore it please don’t change isseis harem also please let at least orihime be with ichigo
Ignore it please don’t change isseis harem also please let at least orihime be with ichigo
1/17/2022 c6 Guest
Only for Ichigo: Orihime, Riruka, Tatsuki and maybe One of the quincy girls( like Bambieta or Cabdice)
Only for Ichigo: Orihime, Riruka, Tatsuki and maybe One of the quincy girls( like Bambieta or Cabdice)