10/15/2024 c38 BellaAshes
this has been by far the best story I have read in a long time. Thank you for sharing.
this has been by far the best story I have read in a long time. Thank you for sharing.
10/15/2024 c38
Teary eyed reading this epi! So well done, fantastic ending. Not that I’m pushing for an outtake, but i was thinking about what Garrett was thinking— the wife he tossed aside married way up compared to him!

Teary eyed reading this epi! So well done, fantastic ending. Not that I’m pushing for an outtake, but i was thinking about what Garrett was thinking— the wife he tossed aside married way up compared to him!
10/15/2024 c38 LynnMarie22
I am in tears. I felt all of Edwards emotions through you're writing. Thank you so much for a beautiful story, you are truly a talented writer.
I am in tears. I felt all of Edwards emotions through you're writing. Thank you so much for a beautiful story, you are truly a talented writer.
10/15/2024 c38 charliebella
Thank you for this wonderful story. Looking forward to rereading this over and over again. It's going to be one of my go to reads.
Thank you for this wonderful story. Looking forward to rereading this over and over again. It's going to be one of my go to reads.
10/15/2024 c38 woosh48
His speech was amazing! Definitely had a few tears with this epilogue. Thank you for telling a wonderful story!
His speech was amazing! Definitely had a few tears with this epilogue. Thank you for telling a wonderful story!
10/15/2024 c38 motherbeatrice
crying that this is over...beautifully written, thank you for sharing...
crying that this is over...beautifully written, thank you for sharing...
10/15/2024 c38
LOVED LOVED LOVED THIS STORY! I’m SOOO PROUD of you for writing this and also for finishing it in the most amazing and beautiful way. The way you have shown the military life I was a part of for 27 years was spot on, heartfelt, and amazing. I will treasure this fic ALWAYS. Bravo my friend. Love you. XOXO, Pamela

LOVED LOVED LOVED THIS STORY! I’m SOOO PROUD of you for writing this and also for finishing it in the most amazing and beautiful way. The way you have shown the military life I was a part of for 27 years was spot on, heartfelt, and amazing. I will treasure this fic ALWAYS. Bravo my friend. Love you. XOXO, Pamela
10/11/2024 c37 Guest
I just caught wa bunch of episodes. Weeping wonderful’
Thank you!
I just caught wa bunch of episodes. Weeping wonderful’
Thank you!