12/14/2024 c33 Mistydeb
Oh my what a worrying time, I can’t imagine what this situation feels like, it was bad enough when my son was on tour and he got back safely. Debbie
Oh my what a worrying time, I can’t imagine what this situation feels like, it was bad enough when my son was on tour and he got back safely. Debbie
12/14/2024 c32 Mistydeb
Oh my, poor Bella and the boys. This is gonna hit them so hard, I hope they find him soon and get him to hospital. Debbie
Oh my, poor Bella and the boys. This is gonna hit them so hard, I hope they find him soon and get him to hospital. Debbie
12/4/2024 c38 lorilamz
Amazing story! Loved all the characters, but especially this Edward! So swoon worthy! Couldn’t put it down.. Thank you!
Amazing story! Loved all the characters, but especially this Edward! So swoon worthy! Couldn’t put it down.. Thank you!
12/2/2024 c38 saintfudge
Great story …waited for complete to read ..like to binge ..thanks for sharing have fun
Great story …waited for complete to read ..like to binge ..thanks for sharing have fun
11/30/2024 c9 EdwardsVampTramp
He is the sweetest. Some men don't realize the best romantic gesture for a woman is just lightening her load.
He is the sweetest. Some men don't realize the best romantic gesture for a woman is just lightening her load.
11/28/2024 c38 EeWee
Wonderful story. Being an Air Force brat myself I really enjoyed it. And Pilotward! Just yummy.
Wonderful story. Being an Air Force brat myself I really enjoyed it. And Pilotward! Just yummy.
11/13/2024 c29 kneon
This chapter was a tough one to read. My husband is not or has never been in the military, but has traveled extremely a lot for his job, which was very difficult. No where as difficult as being gone for a year in a war zone, but gone Monday through Friday every week for months while our sons were younger and i was a stay at home mom. this chapter reminded me how difficult it was to see him leave each weekworry something awful could happen.
This chapter was a tough one to read. My husband is not or has never been in the military, but has traveled extremely a lot for his job, which was very difficult. No where as difficult as being gone for a year in a war zone, but gone Monday through Friday every week for months while our sons were younger and i was a stay at home mom. this chapter reminded me how difficult it was to see him leave each weekworry something awful could happen.