Just In
for A Soft Place to Land

12/14/2024 c34 Mistydeb
Whew they finally found him, now they just need to get out of there. Debbie
12/14/2024 c33 Mistydeb
Oh my what a worrying time, I can’t imagine what this situation feels like, it was bad enough when my son was on tour and he got back safely. Debbie
12/14/2024 c32 Mistydeb
Oh my, poor Bella and the boys. This is gonna hit them so hard, I hope they find him soon and get him to hospital. Debbie
12/4/2024 c38 lorilamz
Amazing story! Loved all the characters, but especially this Edward! So swoon worthy! Couldn’t put it down.. Thank you!
12/3/2024 c38 EdwardsVampTramp
Thank you for sharing this with us. I thoroughly enjoyed it!
12/2/2024 c24 EdwardsVampTramp
OMG! That proposal was fabulous AND genius!
12/2/2024 c38 saintfudge
Great story …waited for complete to read to binge ..thanks for sharing have fun
12/2/2024 c14 EdwardsVampTramp
Go get your man, Bella!
11/30/2024 c9 EdwardsVampTramp
He is the sweetest. Some men don't realize the best romantic gesture for a woman is just lightening her load.
11/28/2024 c38 EeWee
Wonderful story. Being an Air Force brat myself I really enjoyed it. And Pilotward! Just yummy.
11/16/2024 c27 lwig
Perfect wedding
11/14/2024 c38 kneon
Amazing story with an amazing cast of characters. thank you for sharing
11/13/2024 c29 kneon
This chapter was a tough one to read. My husband is not or has never been in the military, but has traveled extremely a lot for his job, which was very difficult. No where as difficult as being gone for a year in a war zone, but gone Monday through Friday every week for months while our sons were younger and i was a stay at home mom. this chapter reminded me how difficult it was to see him leave each weekworry something awful could happen.
11/7/2024 c1 1918Vampyre
Excellent beginning!
11/7/2024 c26 lwig
Love this story!
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