Just In
for A Soft Place to Land

1/7/2022 c1 20Sukiethree
Really looking forward to meeting Pilotward
Keep ‘em comin’ and I’ll keep reading
1/7/2022 c1 652brown-eyes
Excellent start to the story. I' looking forward to it.
1/7/2022 c1 FanNan46
Oh this sounds amazing! Looking forward to flying through this with you!
1/7/2022 c1 exclusiverob
Sounds like Bella got married too young. Can't wait for more. Thanks
1/7/2022 c1 helenemc
Looking forward to see where you take this. Fifteen years is a long time to give someone.
1/7/2022 c1 Guest
Looking forward to this :)
1/7/2022 c1 Lisalouise
I can't wait go on this next adventure with you!
Thanks for writing.
Lisa...Gail Cullen
1/7/2022 c1 LostinFeathers1901
So excited!
1/7/2022 c1 CSG
Used up and thrown away, like an old newspaper. Gah, it kills me when men do this to their family. Where’s Edward? He’ll save the day.
1/7/2022 c1 Bevey99
My seat is upright, and my tray table is stowed, ready for A Soft Place to Land. As always, thanks for writing and sharing.
1/7/2022 c1 13archy12
Ouch, a divorce after giving up fifteen years of her life to him? That's hard.
Looking forward to this journey!
1/7/2022 c1 julieide
In some ways this prologue portrays my live right, who knows where my Edward is?!
Thank you this soft read to land.
1/7/2022 c1 GorGirl
She picked the wrong guy to settle for.
1/7/2022 c1 6midnite serenade
Excited to read more!
1/7/2022 c1 9LaMomo
And here we go! Can't wait to meet PilotWard, but my heart already breaks for this Bella. She gave it all ... for a big disappointment.
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