Just In
for From the Ground Up

7/13/2022 c28 QueenGB
Please don’t. Please just let it be a scare. It really is NOT the best time for them as a couple. I was wondering with her feeling off and tired last chapter. Honestly, I don’t why people don’t double protect if they aren’t ready. BTW Rosalie was great at the beginning of this chapter.
7/13/2022 c27 QueenGB
We started out sexy flirty and great just what we needed after the heavy but then…
These are all real and complex emotions but in the end Chelsea should rely on her family from Texas and Edward has to strike balance and Bella has to hang on if she can because I bet it’s about to get bumpy again. Jeebus.
7/12/2022 c26 QueenGB
Wow okay. Bella and Edward need a couple of chapters break.
7/12/2022 c25 QueenGB
That was sad, heavy and very necessary. So glad Esme gave great advice and he listened. Despite the drama they have very good communication.
7/12/2022 c24 QueenGB
If it was Vera’s last thanksgiving why not let Chelsea have Riley and bring Bella to your parents. They are to codependent and Bella has a right to be upset. There are too many blurred lines. I hope they don’t break up.
7/12/2022 c23 QueenGB
Oh my god him going to her, the flowers, being respectful. Fantastic!
7/12/2022 c22 QueenGB
I would have needed time also but Bella should have let him know where she was going. However, sub consciously we tend to punish a little. It worked. ‘Do you love her more?’ Yeah good question Chelsea. *rolls eyes*
7/12/2022 c21 QueenGB
Why is Leah so freaking invested in their marriage? Chelsea role her own family. Poor Bella that was awful and she was right on all counts. Chelsea and Edward can co-parent without all the individual co-dependency.
7/12/2022 c20 QueenGB
Like I said before Bella is a good Chica. His conversation with Riley was so sweet. His girls.
7/12/2022 c19 QueenGB
Paul and Chelsea *rolls eyes hard*
7/12/2022 c18 QueenGB
I love Carl! They are good together Bella and Edward. He is so much lighter than before.
7/12/2022 c17 QueenGB
Okay Paul needs to grow up. I think that’s the overall theme. And Chelsea if you wanted to meet Bella ask Edward. But since she cheats, snoops through peoples phones and pretends to be her mom to scope out he new girlfriend I’ll go with move on girl it’s beyond sad now.
7/12/2022 c16 QueenGB
Well that had to come to a head and I’m glad it did when they had more feelings developed cause Edward might have bailed earlier. I’m glad they are defined and that they talk things out. Paul is an asshole. I am surprised she still lives with him and not with Allie.
7/12/2022 c15 QueenGB
I really love how they are progressing and that’s in large part to the ease Bella has about her and how she lets Edward feel special and unhurried. So far one of my favorite Bella’s.
7/12/2022 c14 QueenGB
Good call Jasper he needed to hear it.
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